Pay attention Vic...this is a cow. I am wondering maybe your screen the contrast or color adjusted. It is a PC so I guess I can see where you might make the mistake, but sheeesh. I may need to send Poco for therapeutic counsel; he is so distraught. I can only say I am glad it was not one of my hormonal mares, especially the filly who caught the dig. I would have to order horsey Midol by the case lot.
WoW It is so nice view!!!
I just see your worm pics, so impressed so! I am loving your pics and your comments!
What a great picture! Love it.
I know the difference between a cow and a horse thank you very much... I used to take horseback riding lessons and I also used to live on a farm with cows all around our house.
Well so far I have spent my "time off" in the house most of the time sick...
It is like having a week of sick leave.
I am hoping to get a little better so I can enjoy my "extended vacation" time.
So far I have watched about 8 hours of TV a day laying on the couch in my PJ's...
I have cabin fever so bad, but I am so exhausted... Well, enough about me,
When are you moving Sandy? Are you packing already? I thought you hadn't even broken ground yet?
Give us the update... inquiring minds want to know...
Of course I know you know the difference Vic...It was just a funny. Pretty darn funny if I may say so. You are right tho at a quick, second, sideways, glance, Poco could be mistaken for a cow...
To the mystery anonymous commenter, thanks for the kind words. If you feel comfortable, identify yourself by approximate age, gender, and general geographic area. Welcome.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Well, by God's grace, and a few miracles here and there, I'm pretty much done with the crazy, ever-growing and changing, list of things I had to get done before Monday's two-day meeting in Harrisburg!
I'm leaving tomorrow, after church, and have a dinner meeting at a new favorite, the Pizza Grille. I found a great Mexican place close to my usual hotel, as well, Rancho Grande, but have been hearing great things about Neato Burrito and will hope to try that Tuesday night, after the meeting is over and before I cruise down to Chambersburg, where I'm spending Wednesday.
Thursday evening I'm going to the Byham Theater, downtown, to participate in a taping of one of my favorite radio shows Wait, wait! Don't tell me!. Download a podcast or two, if you've never heard it.
Gotta get ready for TRANSFORM... glad to hear everyone is okay, and can properly identify animals. And if I ever post anonymously, I'll be sure to state my approximate gender. Ba-dum-ching! Thank you, thank you!
Oh, and remind me to tell y'all about the hilarity that ensued when I forgot to change my default printer, and was printing stuff, from where I was in one half of the state, to the executive vice president's laser printer in Harrisburg. Good thing it wasn't my plans for the bloody coup... I realized pretty quickly something was wrong when papers didn't start rolling out of the printer to my left, and the feeling of my heart dropping when I saw I was printing to printer #3 one of the Harrisburg offices, well, you really had to be there.
My life is now little montages of Dilbert and The Office... so, yeah: get better, soon, Vicki, and enjoy your time away from the wacky world of work!
Oh Rob, You do win the most techincal trophy. I may have email on my phone, but I sure as heck do not know what a pod cast is. I have heard of it but that is as far as it goes. Glad you survived your week.
Sorry to hear you were/are sick Vic. Good thing you have that couch to recover on.
A podcast is just a fancy name for an audio program that you can download and play (on your iPod, typically, but you can play them in iTunes just as easily). I subscribe to a bunch of them, on a variety of topics/subjects, and listen to them during my hours (and hours!) on the road.
But high-tech? I'm doing my laundry, in my basement, right now, and surfing the web on my Mac, while (and I'm not kidding) burning a DVD of a slide show and music I put together about our office's participation in The First Tee program, last summer (which teaches golf to kids... I was truly impressed with how well it went, and what excellent teachers the kids had).
What's amazing is that, even five-ten years ago, this wouldn't be such a commonplace combination of things. On the internet? Without being connected over the telephone lines via a modem? In the basement? Hijacking a blog? Making a slideshow? Music? Burning a DVD?
Check this out: RJ and Caleb are making a promotional video for youth camp loosely based on this video.
As you can tell, I'm tired, yet wound up. You should've been there for tonight's TRANSFORM activity: we had the pastors kneel in front of a table, and, with their hands behind their backs, play ping-pong by BLOWING the ball across the table. The catch? We were feeding them dry crackers, so, really, they were just blowing chunks of cracker spit on the table and each other. Mary Bennett was getting physically ill, while Sheldon thought it was "awesome!"
What a weird life I lead, sometimes, huh?
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