Dave came out last night to lay out the outline for our new house.
He brought along two helpers.

How 'bout this for trust?!
View from our front porch!

How exciting to see a real beginning. Drew took his friend who is going to dig out the foundation and build the driveway up to see the site this morning. The man from the sewerage department is coming sometime this week. We have to apply for a permit to build a septic system. We are praying they will allow a traditional system with a tank and leech bed. It would be ten to fifteen thousand dollars cheaper than a sand mound. A sand mound is unsightly and a pain in the neck, often not functioning properly.
More later, nap time.
I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it...
I am so excited for you two. How wonderful to have such a great view, all your animals so close and convenient, and a beautiful home that is easier to manage. I can hardly wait...
So should we put having tea on your front porch on the calendar yet?
Will you have a porch swing, or big old fashioned rocking chairs?
Both of course! Pencil us in for late August or early September. It is way cool Vic. Thanks for being excited for us.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
How cool to see this long-in-planning dream start to become a reality!
So has anyone gone to see the Bodies exhibit in Pgh?
Part of me thinks it would be facinating and I would love to see it, and part of me isn't sure...
People I know that have gone said it was really interesting and worth going to.
It's only here one more month... So, whatcha guys think? Creepy or cool?
I am not sure. I had thought about it too. But I am with you, creepy and cool. If you want to go we could see about going together. Hold hands or something...
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