Started out as a simple trot around the ring; until I decided to take a stroll around the yard, which led to a tromp across the snow covered corn field, and then a walk along the creek bank. Wow! What a morning. And the Glory of the Lord shown, and rippled, and chirped all around.
Cool POV shot, Sandy!
Wasn't yesterday's weather great? Temperatures in the 60's, sunny, blue skies... wow. Just a preview of coming attractions of spring, I know, but it recharged my batteries!
I had a good meeting, yesterday, and took a foster family to long lunch... nice. Found I had 30 e-mails to respond to, but that's just because I'm so darn important. Heh. Yeah, that's it.
Almost 6:30... let's see what today holds!
Hey: how was the job fair, Vicki?
Well I skipped the job fair after researching the agencies that were going to be there and none were worth going for. (Jobs in Texas, engineering jobs, or just above minimum wage jobs.)
I have a possible job option, but I am not free to talk about it yet... I will keep you all posted as soon as I know more.
My mom was in town yesterday and saw the book you are letting me borrow Rob (about cadavers.) It freaked her out. I had to laugh... poor mom...
Yesterday my mom and I went for a scenic drive and got to take some pictures along the way. It was a lot of fun.
I know what you mean about getting a taste of spring... it was invigorating. In another week or two it might even be time to buy some tulips. (I love to buy a bouquet of tulips as soon as I think winter is over. It makes the house so cheery…my version of groundhog day…)
Think Spring!
ps Sandy... from the angle you took the picture, it almost looks like you are riding a cow... hmmm... very interesting.
A cow, huh? Yeah, I guess it does look like a cow!
And, Vic, you've got a potential job lead, but can't discuss it, yet? What, are you working for KAOS? Hmmm...
Thursday, 6 March 2008
How's the packing going, Sandy? I'm awfully out of the loop with your moving situation (my fault, not yours!).
This insane week is winding down. I'm really kind of ready for a few weeks where God's not presenting me with SO MANY opportunities for growth.
I really do like my new job more and more, but there are days... where it's hard for me to remember that I'm no longer working with children primarily.
On a side-note, there's a Sonic in Canonsburg! Whoo! Sonic!
I now may also be going to a four day training in Columbus that I'm... really not sure I want to go to. For many reasons. I'm practicing some of my assertive management skills and trying to send someone else, who probably shouldn't go. Heh heh... that didn't sound nearly so bad in my head!
Peace out... gotta prep for Friday classes!
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