I erased Cool's name from the dry erase board in the feed room today. I moved everyone under her up a space. It was not as momentous as I had expected. Just a new season. Passing from one era to the next always means leaving behind and forging ahead. God promises Good will come. In faith I wait.
As spring approaches new life is always around the corner.
I had dug up a bunch of spring bulbs last fall/summer thinking I would replant them somewhere else. I left them lay until they appeared ruined. Thinking I could go ahead and stick them in the ground somewhere I put them away in a safe place. Guessed right? I have no idea where they are. The other day I was heading to the house from the barn. I bent over to clean some leaves and dead stuff out of a the flower bed by the back deck. Searching for signs of new life, daisy spouts or whatever might give a hint towards coming sunshine; what did I see? Yep, several surviving daffodil or tulips or whatever are poking their green heads up out of the frozen ground. I am not sure what will bloom, but despite my carelessness God has redeemed my blunder and allowed fresh growth to appear. As always He is the Creator Redeemer. And I am forever grateful.
Truth be told, their is much in this spring that will bring change in my life. Today I wait for my Jesus to redeem, restore, rebuild, and renew all that lies behind. And with each passing day in the new adventures that are unfolding I trust He will provide courage, mercy, and strength.
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