The day is done, though I can still hear one baby stirring through the monitor. Kaleb went right to sleep, a little earlier than I would like, but he was so tired. Tired to a toddler means accelerated motion, increased volume, and a stiffly arched back and thrown back head every time you try and comfort, correct, or redirect. Can be a very stressful time for the adult in charge. And when the goal is to keep the young tot up to a certain time so that her or she sleeps the night through and does not wake up before 6:00 AM, well lets just say the stakes get considerably higher.
Quite a long day today was. I am weary, but the day is done, guess I said that. The hearing went as we had hoped. Allen and Stacey were there but they agreed to comply with the order and not contest the custody. So we have it. Drew specifically in our case. Bev is a different household and I am not the biological grandparent, so that makes me the ahhh, nanny I guess. I know the terms are for legal purposes but still my sin rose up a wee bit at the notion that I was merely a spectator. Again though my God reminded me that I do not to work for the praise or attention of men but for His Glory, and His Kingdom. My caring for the babies is a joy and a blessing in my life. And a service to their Heavenly Father first and above all. So amazed that I have been called by my King to a vocation so precious.
How long do you have custody for? Forever, a year, until Stacey and Allen request it back or complete certain requirements?
I can understand your frustration when you are a primary caregiver and referred to as a spectator... that would have been a hard pill to swallow, but I appreciate your godly attitude that everything we do is for the glory of God.
Had my first real estate class tonight. The only guy in our class of five students is a division one basketball referee. He only works four months out of the year. His wife is an ADA in Westmoreland Co. and he wants something to do in the off months... hmmm, if I only had to work four months a year... I think I would be happy with that.
Tomorrow is class #3 for adoption. I have 8 total.
The picnic was a lot of fun. SO GLAD it was not in the heat of the summer. Much nicer and more enjoyable to have it when it was a little cooler.
So I was talking with a kid at the picnic... He was about 7ish. He said to me "My cousin has a hole in her heart." I said, "Is she going to be ok?" He said in a matter-of-fact way... "No. She died." I said, "Oh honey I am so sorry." He said... "I hope that doesn't happen to dogs..."
Uhhh... what do you say to that? Guess he just got a new puppy and was worried something would happen to it.
Kids really do say the darndest things...
Hope you are having a great week in Harrisburg Rob. At least you are in the same area all week.
Sandy, hang in there. This time is so precious. The Lord will give you the strength you need for each day.
Night all…
Wow, so much to think about... so happy, and humbled, by your posts, Sandy. As usual.
Day one of Harrisburg is done, and, of course, a dozen things not anticipated occurred, and vice-versa... things planned on sort of fell through... but it's all good. I may actually be done on Wednesday, if I can con, um, persuade... a few people to handle some stuff for me on Thursday and Friday. My life is MUCH more boring than it may sound!
Enjoy your classes (both!), Vicki.
Gotta work, more, on my PowerPoint presentation. Peace out, everybody.
I can't focus on this. Bad sign, for first thing in the morning.
Anyway, a story: on Sunday I approached Joe Shearer and mentioned that I'd sent an e-mail to him, a few weeks ago, but it was an old e-mail address, probably long abandoned (it was, but since I didn't get the e-mail bounced back, I just assumed he rarely checked it). Anyway, it was about his mission trip... I wanted the information so I could send a check. He just stared and smiled at me. He went on the trip, and was gone for about a month... I'm so out of touch. I really thought it was just a few weeks ago that he mailed his stuff... but it was months ago. MONTHS!
Okay... time to do some work. Really. Last night had dinner with some friends at Carrabbas (I'd been looking forward to that for about a week... I could just eat the fresh bread dipped in the herbs and olive oil).
Oh... yeah... work.
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