Also, my new mare is pregnant, 60 days pregnant. I am so excited. I got to see the baby horse on the sonogram; its little head and its heartbeat. Gosh darn cool!!
I hear a baby on the monitor, probably DrewAllen needs another bottle before sleep. Well, he sleeps until two or so then eats again. Then four to sixish. Oh well. Still the Grace runs abundant.
How in the world do you get such pleasant sweetie pies?
They are always smiling...
Well, tonight was a really hard night at adoption class. The two hour class itself only lasted about an hour. The rest of the time was spent with people just telling stories. So many sad, sad stories of people pursuing adoption and it not working out and hearing their heartbreak. Amazingly though, they were still going forward to try yet again.
I heard a lot of horror stories. Everyone was basically saying they thought it would be better to foster to adopt then straight adopt. I still feel adoption is best for me. I don't feel called to transport kids back and forth to their birth parents for visits. I want kids where the parental rights have already been terminated. The biggest reason I believe I became burned out in social services was not the kids, but the system.
Anyway, a good nights sleep and trusting in the Lord, and it will be better again. This is going to be a hard road. Nothing easy about dealing with the system.
Hang in there Sandy. May God give you rest.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
A lot of drool going on... what's up with these kids, acting so juvenile? Sheesh.
Sandy, you just blow me away with your godly attitude and how you're rolling through this trusting God the whole way.
And Vicki, you know that even if rights are terminated, that doesn't mean kids can be adopted or are up for adoption. Also, even if rights are terminated, kids and parents can still have visitation. The whole thing can be a mess. But above all my "devil's advocating," you're also inspiring in your trust that God will see you through.
Despite the many (MANY!) changes over the past few days, God's blessed me and I've kicked butt and taken names. I'm in Chambersburg, now, and will be home by tomorrow (Thursday) night.
Don't tell, but I think I'm going to go see Burn After Reading on Friday.
Big TRANSFORM on Saturday... sanctification ahoy... and greeting on Sunday. I'm back in Harrisburg for a few days next week for a "retreat" with our consultation guru. I envision me sticking a pencil in my eye to get out of it. Click on the "Team Building" one.
Well I took two Tylenol PM last night and woke up at 8:30 am. I haven't slept in like that in a long time. The great thing about working from home is I didn't have to freak out and get ready real fast... I just stumbled downstairs in my pj's got some breakfast, and turned on my computer. Can someone pinch me? Is this really my life? How incredibly blessed I am.
What a difference a day makes. I feel refreshed and strengthened anew for what the Lord is calling me to. I know I can trust in Him. He has helped me with my migraines, my jobs, getting my house back; the list is truly endless... I can trust Him for anything.
Sandy, you are a real inspiration - thank you. You’re my hero. You are just loving on those kids and not complaining at all. The Lord is obviously pouring His grace on you.
And Rob, I just want to say how I admire the work you do. You have found a way to work in the system but not be the ugly part of the system. You are making it better and fighting for the little guys...
Enjoy every steak you eat... you've earned it. Plus, just like in Schindler's list... sometimes you have to play with the big boys to get to the end goal... thank you for all your sacrifices. You are really making a difference for these kids and their families.
Well, I am off to another good night's sleep. I have started to sleep with an eye mask. I always thought they were really funny, but I got one at a hotel once and had the best night's sleep ever. I have started to use it and am sleeping better.
Sweet dreams all... (Enjoy the few hours you get Sandy... the Lord will refresh you.)
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