Now that Granny has begun to strap me in for the night I sleep much she thinks
Brudder got a new toy, all I have to play with is a drawer of baby safe kitchen junk!
The yellow wheel spins around, plays non-sensible tunes and I just love it.
Oh heck, here let me help.
Rob, the stain on the front of DrewAllen's tee shirt is drool. A body fluid, yes; but so much of life involves those pesky liquids. Hard not to mention them; they just sort of come up...yes that has a double meaning. Hee Heh!

Cute, Sandy!
Kids do keep you on your toes, and feeling young, huh? So great, for these guys, that you and Drew were so close and available.
It's funny, to me, how everyone is busy, in their own way. Especially since my kind of "busy" usually now means sitting in meetings and giving Microsoft Office a workout... The site I used to work for keeps growing, and I met some of the new staff, yesterday. It was nice to hear them all talk, excitedly, about how much they enjoy working with kids and were passionate about wanting to help find a sense of permanency in their lives. THAT'S the attitude you need, rather than "It's just another 9-5 job" attitude I get from so many other sites.
I'm heading to one of those, today...
I don't know which pics I like best... Great! Such cuties...
Well as Randy Wolfe would say, I had my "Mommy Classes" tonight. Only one more to go. Tonight was almost a complete waste of time... All that psycho-mumbo-jumbo...
The teacher actually mentioned Freud at one point... At one point the teacher shared an example of discipline. She used the example of not arguing with the kids and basically giving them the silent treatment for an hour and refusing to talk to them at all. I thought that was terrible. I understand not arguing with the kids and telling them something isn't up for discussion anymore, but I don't agree with completely refusing to speak to the children... there were a lot of crazy ideas shared. I told my mom not to take any notes.
Also they were more concerned with changing outward behaviors instead of the heart, but of course they don't have the Lord, so I can't judge them for that.
Well, I am getting tired. Tomorrow is my long day.
Take care all...
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Silly ways that show how God's good to me:
Yesterday I spent most of my day in Huntingdon. As I was leaving, I was hungry and thinking about dinner. They have a Meadows there, with a big trailer next to it that sells "Texas hot dogs." Perfect! The hot dog was all beef, a bit crisp, and their "house style" was excellent! I then notice that one of the "flavors of the day" at the Meadows is a huge favorite of mine: teaberry. I loaded up on a cup of custard, and enjoyed the 2+ hour drive home like a little kid with his first ice cream.
Today I'm working from home and skipped breakfast, answering e-mails and making calls. It's getting close to lunch and I search my cupboard for what to eat. I find: mesquite-smoked turkey breast, swiss cheese, thick bacon, and some crusty sourdough bread. In other words, the makings for the worlds most incredible sandwich. I carefully cut the bread, buttered it (real butter, of course), and made my sandwich, and then grilled it. I sat back on my sofa, in the sun, but only pleasantly warm, marveled at the beautiful fall weather, this great sandwich, and how every bit of this is all because God loves me.
The hard part is realizing, when I'm allowing myself to become stressed out because of problems and issues, that THAT too is because God loves me.
- - -
Vicki: just because someone mentions Freud, doesn't mean they're loopy. Freud is known, to most, because of a small bit of his musings, not for some of the really groundbreaking work he did. And don't be too quick to discount the horror stories people tell about their kids and behaviors. I agree that true change needs to come from within, but you can't ignore the outside, either. There's a lot of stuff out there that seems unpleasant that won't warp the child for life, and may, in fact, get the message across. I'm not condoning everything out there, just realizing that I was (am) very naive about what it's really like to have children around you 24/7, much less ones with acknowledged emotional and behavioral problems.
I just found a petrified french/freedom fry in my computer case... this day just keeps getting more and more interesting!
Sounds like an amazing sandwich, sandwiches are one of my favorite food groups.
And a fine day at home alone is my favorite pastime.
Had one today. Worked in the barn, alone, physical. So the aches and pains tonight are from honest labor. Ha...the farm life
this is a test...hee hee.
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