I have a baby on my chest and can only peck one-handed. The mason has begun to lay the stone across the front of the house. And I love it. I have hordes of hilarious granny/baby stories. but i am very uncomfortable typing this way. So many ways to puke, poop, or wail; I never knew. Or at least I do not remember. The third seat, leather, in a Lincoln Aviator can hold a surprising amount of clear liquid vomit, all the while not lessening the amount needed to saturate an entire outfit to the skin. i believe this event only occurs when the grandma is unprepared during a quick carpool run to town. For now that will have to satisfy. The wee one must be put to bed and so must I.
Keep up the good work in my absence,
Wow, Sandy! Your house looks/is looking/will look fantastic! I like the whole "ranch" style, complete with stone work. You could stick that in the desert and it would fit in, nicely.
Thanks also for typing stuff with one hand or from your cell phone, and other crazy ways you've updated the blog!
Your preoccupation with bodily fluids and functions, of both humans and horses, is a little weird, but I can live with it.
A slow week for me... no hotel stays scheduled until next week. AND, I actually will be able to attend care group for the first time in months, it feels like!
Vicki... how are you doing with everything? You have a busy week, as well?
1.) LOVE,love,LOVE the house... you and Drew are so patient when talking about it... "It's coming along"... You are one of the few people I know that talk so calmly about a house being built. It is usually a very trying time and very hard on the couple. Most people I know that build their own home are very stressed about the whole process. You and Drew are so calm... maybe it is the grandbaby distraction...
2.) I love your comments on bodily fluids. Gotta keep educating Rob, so keep it up. :)
3.) Did I say I love the house! Can't wait to see how you decorate it inside because I remember the pictures you showed me and they were fantastic!
Rob - so glad you are having a slow week! It's about time. That is a hard schedule to keep up long term, even if you like the variety. Enjoy care group. I am missing two months of CG due to real estae classes, but I know this is for only a short season.
This is my last crazy week! Yeah!!
I have four nights of classes this week and then I will be down to only two nights a week until November 3rd.
Spent the weekend getting my spare bedroom ready to be the girls' room. I have a dresser, armoire and a wardrobe in the spare room. It is full of my junk. So drawer by drawer I am getting rid of everything. My house looks like a cyclone hit it or more accurately, it looks like one of my former clients lives here. I have taken stuff out of the spare room and once it is out, it isn't going back in, so slowly that room is coming together. Then I have to decide what to do with all the stuff I am keeping but removed.
I often think of the show Extreme Make-Over Home Edition. Although it would be nice to have a nice, new, big house, the thing I would most enjoy is that it is free of junk. No junk drawers, things you don't need. I have a lot of stuff I need to keep, but have to figure out where I put it. Batteries, first-aid kits, markers, paper, pictures and picture frames... stuff you don't want to pitch, but with only one closet in the whole house and limited storage, I need some kinda plan...
Anyway, my mom is coming Friday to help. I have to have everything thrown away by then because she has a hard time pitching things. She can just help me clean up to make it shine pretty for the home study.
Well, that is my week... better get going... emails are calling...
Keep in touch... so I don't go crazy...
Hope your day is puke-free and relaxing...
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