Yea, we are cute
The little men return tomorrow when I pick them up around 2:30 pm, just before I get Jer from school. I am looking forward to the weekend, crazy yes, but should be fun. I am hoping to get Jer to his first Transformed meeting on Saturday night. I will have to find a sitter for the boys I suppose, in addition to finding out like time and how late the meetings go. I spoke with Kathie earlier to make sure Jer could attend but I did not get any details.
I have enjoyed my "days off". Rode this morning with a new friend, Gingie Alshouse's cousin Kate, a wonderful horsewoman and all around fun lady. We went to bring Dory home this evening, sans pregnancy. But that's OK, I have one baby on the way; and with the two human babies I have that is probably enough for now. We will take her back in the spring and try again. For now I am basking in God's Goodness and Grace concerning the we one we do have brewing.
I love this fall weather. Cool nights and perfect days.
I am going to sleep now. Last chance for a full night before the babies come back.

The little men return tomorrow when I pick them up around 2:30 pm, just before I get Jer from school. I am looking forward to the weekend, crazy yes, but should be fun. I am hoping to get Jer to his first Transformed meeting on Saturday night. I will have to find a sitter for the boys I suppose, in addition to finding out like time and how late the meetings go. I spoke with Kathie earlier to make sure Jer could attend but I did not get any details.
I have enjoyed my "days off". Rode this morning with a new friend, Gingie Alshouse's cousin Kate, a wonderful horsewoman and all around fun lady. We went to bring Dory home this evening, sans pregnancy. But that's OK, I have one baby on the way; and with the two human babies I have that is probably enough for now. We will take her back in the spring and try again. For now I am basking in God's Goodness and Grace concerning the we one we do have brewing.
I love this fall weather. Cool nights and perfect days.
I am going to sleep now. Last chance for a full night before the babies come back.
Hi Sandy,
Real quick: TRANSFORM monthly meetings are for youth in grade 7 and up and their parents. The parent-teen care groups are, last I heard, for 8th grade and up. Mark's running TRANSFORM while Stephen is away (and Joe is running Resolved), so that might be different. I'll bet it is. Mark's a maverick!
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Burn After Reading seemed like it had so much potential... there were genuinely funny parts, but... fell flat. Oh: when a movie is rated "R" for "pervasive crude language," believe it. It was assaultive, at points.
Are you coming to TRANSFORM tonight, Sandy?
So nice having lunch today with all of you Sandy. I love those sweet little boys. When are you going to Florida? (Did you mean when you go in February or are you going sooner?)
I am SO looking forward to fall coming. Church was unbelievably hot today. I guess the hot late summer days are good so we don't mind the cooler weather coming. Fall is my most favorite time of the year. It seems so short though.
Where are you off to this week Rob?
I have two more weeks of all my classes in the same week. (Adoption and Real Estate twice a week each.)
Please keep writing everyone. You might be my only human contact for the next two weeks...
I watched The Grizzley Man Diaries today. Timothy Treadwell's diaries of living with Grizzleys. This show is funny, but more annoying than funny. Here are some things he said today... "I watched the mother fox pick up her young. It was so precious I cried. I had to leave the young mother today. It saddens me so. I was in search of the Bald Eagle's nest. I had to climb a large cliff. To fall off would mean certain death. I thought of just jumping off and feeling the freedom of the fall. I don't want to grow old, but if I die it should be for a more worthy cause."
Ok, this guy was completely annoying. It was neat to see how close he got to the animals, but his commentary was very irritating. I don't keep up on current events very well, because I found out later in the show that this guy and his girlfriend died in 2003. Eaten by bears... hmmm...
Have a great week all...
Monday, 15 September 2008
Yo yo yo... tha R-Dog is off to Altoona most of today. Tuesday... heading to Harrisburg where I have two FULL days of exciting... I don't know... leadership, teamwork... stuff. With the rest of the management team and the consultant. It's all about the growth.
Friday, I'm back, but off to West Middlesex for the day with some of my Erie homies, as we represent "the man" in a day-long conference designed to bring families/consumers and agencies together. I can feel the love. Actually, I'm looking forward to it.
I'm still so far behind on television... I watched the first DVD in the multi-year series The Wire and it's impressive. And very, um, gritty. I also watched the first DVD in the multi-year series The 4400 about 4400 people who were abducted by aliens over about 50 years who were all returned at once, all with no memory of when they'd been gone. Interesting.
Gotta get to bed... it's about midnight-thirty, and I need to be up and on the road in a few hours. Peace!
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Wow... what time is it? I've got a mild head cold, but it's really hit me hard, with all of the driving the meetings the whatever. I got back to my hotel room, yesterday, around 5:00, after picking up some Chinese food... I ate a little bit, and then laid down and didn't wake up until about 10:30. I ate a bit more, and slept a few more hours. So now it's 2 in the morning and I'm kind of awake, kind of feeling better, and kind of confused.
So what's new, right?
First day of this leadership thing was okay. This woman has been a consultant with my company for about ten years, and at least this is a small group. We've been talking about our personality styles and needs and all of that. Interesting stuff, especially when we see how this fits with the frustrations we've had with each other.
Another day of this, today... 9AM to 4PM. Nice place, we're meeting at, and the food is good. Of course.
Oh... sitting up for a while hasn't made me feel better. Maybe another few hours of sleep will help... or make me feel more upended... who knows... peace out!
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Feeling so much better! That long, long stretch of sleep (I ended up going back to sleep for another few hours after that last blog post), and God's mercy, is just what I needed! I felt much better, today.
I have something else, tomorrow, so I'm doing a quick load of laundry, and read some stuff for care group: The Heart of the Cross, by Boice & Ryken. Man, the first chapter (and even the preface and inside cover hit hard! I think this will be a good book for me!
How's everyone else? Busy? Tired? Both?
Gas, which was 3.23 at a Sheetz in Mechanicsburg last week was 3.55 this week. Which is still better than the 3.69 here in Kittanning. I've got over 150,000 miles on my car, and everything is still running fine... I know I'll need new brakes in a few months, and I could imagine needing a new clutch, as well, but if I get another year out of this thing, I'll be around 200,000 miles, and I'll be very, very happy!
Good grief, the theme song to H.R. Puffenstuff is playing on my computer... the perfect end to a surreal day... General Tso's chicken at 2 AM... 14 hours of sleep...
Well I spent today getting my new computer up and running. It has Windows XP on it. Steve is trying to make me a computer geek. My work email would not send at home, but my personal email would. If I connected to the neighbor’s internet it would send... I bought a new router, installed, uninstalled, reinstalled... finally figured it out. Just an error in the setup.
Transferred all my files to the new computer, set up the new email, I feel like I am a computer geek...
Had class #6 tonight for adoption. Only two more to go. I meet next Friday with my caseworker to apply to have SWAN pay for my home study. I might be able to have my home study done in the next few weeks. All my clearances are done, just need First Aid/CPR and then I am done.
Had a bit of a downer day today. All the classes keep saying I could get kids really fast, then SWAN and my caseworker are saying that because I have such a narrow search (2 girls age 3-10) that I will probably wait a really long time - even years - before getting kids. I have had multiple agencies tell me I should do foster-to-adopt and just as many say I should do adopt only. I am told if I do adopt only I could possibly not get kids at all. If I do foster-to-adopt I will get kids but probably have to have several kids in and out of my home before finding kids that are adoptable or kids that are a good match for me. I would also have to be involved in them visiting with their birth families, meetings, etc... I have been told so many things my head is just spinning. I just want to adopt. I don't want a revolving door. I want to adopt the kids that come to my home. I am learning that might not be realistic, or might not happen right away.
I know the Lord will work this all out. I know that He is teaching me patience and perseverance and dependence on Him. I trust that He is leading me on this path, He will work the timing out, He will lead me to the right children. He knows who and when and how long.
My teacher held a couple after class tonight. They have been foster parents in the past and are now going through the adoption process looking for kids. The teacher had a child in mind for them and even though they weren't done with classes, she wanted to see if they would be willing to take this 8 year old girl. After the day I had, I wasn't sure how I felt. Encouraged that maybe it won't take as long as some were saying... I don't know. What I do know is a good night's sleep helps when you are spread thin and the 100% confidence that God really is in control and is sovereign.
How was the 4400 series? I watched the show a couple of times. Looked interesting. A little like Heroes.
Hope you are feeling better Rob. Sandy, hope you are getting some rest.
You are about the only people I am getting to “talk” to right now outside of class and fighting with utility companies. Thanks. Goodnight friends.
Saturday, 20 September 2008
{ Lark. Clam. Pig in mud. } I'm at least as happy as these. More, actually.
I very much enjoy the fall weather. I love that, after a long week of traveling and using skills that are far from my strength and being sick... it feels so good to be home, where it's cool and quiet and relaxing. God is so good to me, and he's probably laughing that it takes so little to make me happy.
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