Saturday, December 29, 2007

Technically bad photo, but one of my favorites
Saturday Night and I ain't Got....

Ain't got what you might ask, well I ain't got hives, or warts, or fleas; Lucy might but she keeps them to herself. Ha. I ain't got nobody bugging me, right now. Ned is out with some friends; Jer is in his room listening to Odyssey CDs. Drew is snoring on the couch and I have been trying to search the Internet for some info on the nephrosplenic ligament in horses. It is a ligament that connects the spleen to the kidney. Cool and Ginger both got their large colons wrapped up around this ligament, displacement its called, causing their digestive systems to slowly self destruct, which ultimately caused their deaths. I been missing Cool and was trying to make sense of it all. So I guess what I ain't got is my horse.
Mostly, I can deal with the loss, Grace abounds; but some days, like today it just all seems to cruel. The pictures, I love to look at them, but they don't have her musky horsey smell. I know I did not lose a human relative or friend, an animal is just an animal...but they can also be dear friends. She gave me her best and that was a challenge for her. Cool was not one to give anything easily. She had deep seated fears and insecurities and she kept her true self all to her self. Until she allowed me in, tentatively, slowly she allowed herself to trust me. And eventually, I think she even loved me some, as best a horse can. All that long day she remained calm as I stood near. Ned had told me to stay close to her and I did. Up until they led her through those swinging doors I had my eyes fixed on hers. Walking, moving caused her great pain. Every step up until those last few had been halting, forced. When I asked her to move forward that last time she did, without the earlier hesitation. So much so that it caught me off guard, almost startling me. My breath stuck dry in my throat as she disappeared behind the swing of a door.

Sorry for the blue post, its been brewing for a while.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Here We Go

Well here we all are, some of us anyways. Ned has more pics; I wil have to get him to email me some of the ones he took. Gabrielle is in the pretty red dress, by herself and playing with Ned, Ben is relaxing on the loveseat in the kitchen...of course I got him with his eyes closed, and Drew doing what he loves best.

I started this blog entry yesterday, or maybe Christmas night, not so sure. See, I did a dumb thing yesterday. Yea right, like what on earth could she do now?...Bent over to hook a strap on Zulu's coat, never a problem when she is in her stall or cross ties; out in a turnout right next door to a handsome gelding, well all bets are off. I bent over, not thinking, really really not thinking, Zulu and Joey are starting to get into it, her back feet fly, do I. All my air is pushed out of my lungs and even hollering for help is near impossible. Jer says I screamed like a girl, but I cannot imagine that. Ha! Sheldon and Jer were in the barn; Jer ran for Ned and Sheldon helped me gather up what was left of myself. I sat for a minute and then decided to hobble to the house. Poor boys, they must have been scared to death. I know I was.
Several hours of ER time later, I was pronounced break and bruise free. Internal bruises anyway. I have a small two--three inch hoof shaped bruise on my abdomen and a much smaller purple mark on my elbow. I cannot imagine what broken ribs are like 'cause I am having enough trouble laughing, coughing, or ahhh moving.
More later...I think that's enough for now.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

So far so crazy

Pictures tomorrow. Everyone is in bed, asleep? Hopefully. Drew is waiting for me to turn out the light. Allen's gang was here, what fun, but crazy. The GRANDchildren days have begun. Yippee! But, Wow!
Pictures and stories to follow.
Happy Jesus Birthday. Good night dear friends.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Just for You Rob

Gift for Kaleb that I assembled yesterday, even remembered the batteries

Hummmmm....what to say, what to say!
My day started for real around 6:50, fresh coffee made by Ali, already brewed in the kitchen. Played with Isabella, wow what a cutie! Watched Jer pout his way through a haircut. Ned says Jer is old enough to have control of his own hair, hence no haircut. I say when Jer can control his hair, he can have it as long as he wants. Run Jer up to the bus at 7:30, back to the house to yack with Ali and suck in another cup of coffee. Oops, forgot, short conversation with Ned before he left for work, before I took Jer to the bus. To the barn, hay, water the equines, heckle Sheldon while he picks the stalls, I usually clean two while he does the other three. Sew a horse blanket, heckle Sheldon some more. Take Sheldon home. Bake some cookies, you know the kind where the dough comes in a tub and you just glob them on the pan and remember to take them out of the oven. Wrap a few gifts. Nap. Fix dinner. Wrap a few more gifts for some friends whose home I am to be at by 4:00. Do evening horse chors. Send Jer back to the house to change, way too much poopie mud on his pants to "wipe" off. Drive Jer to Murphy's to meet Ben for tutoring. Taks stuff to Goodwill. Pick up gift certificates, stop at CVS for three small gifts, back to Murphy's. Get Jer and visit with the coolest family around. Drive through, YackDonalds. Eat in car. Dollar Tree for gifts for Jer's little friends, and teachers at school. Martin's; me in car, Jer gets the soda for his class party. Home. Sit on couch with Drew. Up to bed. Blog for Rob. Day over. Ahhhhh

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

This is the tree that Ned built....
Complete with the ornament tubs that I should have moved for the photo.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Snowy Days and Mondays

Yes, I have not been diligent to write. I have not even checked my email for two days. I must share tho, Ned stopped on his way home from work and bought me a Christmas tree. I have been wanting to get one but have not been able to get out when it has not been raining torrents or snowing a blizzard. Plus, it takes a few more muscles than I have to get it in and out of the truck, drag the stuff out of the attic, trim up around the bottom of the tree with a hack saw, stand on your toes hanging by one hand from the ceiling to top the bristly green giant. Now, my living room is strewn with boxes, ornaments, plastic tubs, and fake greenery; but I have a fully decorated Christmas tree, with red and green lights, pointsettas. and a red bow tied to the top. Thank you Ned; today you were my hero.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Early to bed early to rise
(older photo that serves here)

I went to bed last night around eight-thirty. Yes, I was up before six. Laid in bed for a while until restless guilt drug me from my favorite comfort zone. I need the Lord this morning. Every morning right? What really woke me today was some serious anxiety. Racing heart and thoughts, shortness for breath, pounding chest, and of course my personal favorite, that sensation in your head like it is just going to implode. Whine, whine, whine, yep that's...not gonna be me today. I need to get in the word and read the truth of God, not my personal reality which screams this day is gonna suck. Ha! Sounds like me. But the God who lives in me is more than able to equip me to rise above the trouble in my personal land, and bring victory to my body, spirit, and soul.

Jesus, captivate my thoughts and fill my mind with your word, your truth, your thoughts, that I might live this day for your glory, the good of my family and friends, and the furthering of your kingdom. Amen...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Meet Lucy the Cat...
That cat on the wall, that cat on the wall, that cat should not be on that wall, oh no she should not.

Not much to say, I have been busy in my own slowwww motion way. Yesterday was a big horse day, spent much of it in the barn, rode Zulu, the big black mare. I only rode for a little while, until the torrents of heaven opened...again. But I spent some time doing horse and barn maintenance. Janet came out for a while, we were gonna ride until the leaky sky nixed that. I had been on Zulu briefly before she arrived. So I worked on braiding up a few tails for winter. You braid strips of cloth into their tales and then tie them up, like in half. It keeps the mud and ice from ratting them up too badly over the winter months. I still have a few to go, as it can be a bit time consuming. Janet played with Joey, giving him a good once over grooming. We tidied up the tack room and swept up a bit. It is always fun, and relaxing to hang out and do horse stuff. I was outside from around seven thirty until after two thirty. So I was bushed. Drew brought dinner home from Bruno's which was a real blessing.

Today was almost as hectic. I had a Dr.s appointment in Elderton around eleven, took over an hour. Came home, ate lunch, slept, and Janet came back over today to do some more horse stuff. When the weather changes rapidly like it has been these last weeks it is very hard on the horses, causes them stress. The stress can effect their digestive system which I have explained is very delicate. We mixed up ground bran and water and stirred it into their regular feed, giving them a very mild laxative of sorts. Kinda keeps them from getting bound up which is what can cause real problems.

After that I came in, finished up dinner, fed the gang, the gang of two and got ready to go meet with a contractor for our house. Can't share much about that yet, but will in the near future. Pretty exciting stuff. We are going with a little bit different plan, but I am confident in God's hand in the project and am content to let Him lead. Funny, I give up a few of my desires to achieve a greater good. in other areas of the final production. Kinda sounds like a good lesson in there somewhere.

Nothing pithy or all that spiritual tonight. I am tired, and I need Jesus. Doc said I look OK, but have to have a couple of tests run. This aging has some interesting side effects. Gotta get some sleep, morning comes fast.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Another Family Gathering

Here we have my family oh...forty seven years ago or so. I think that's my cousin in the bassinet. My mom was so beautiful.
Yep the cutie in the back is me right beside my grandpa. Ah, what a memory, well maybe the picture triggers some later memories, but I do have some that go way back. I may have been two or so. Don't know if this was a holiday or not, but back then every family meal was a little on the formal side. The table was set, tablecloth, napkins, all the silverware lined up properly, butter on a dish, all the food in/in its own serving dish on the table. Look, even candles. No burping, ever.

Ha, my mom would just choke if she saw my dinner table. Food served from the stove, butter sitting in the wrapper right on the table, only as much silverware as needed; no spoons unless there is soup or applesauce. Sometimes the day's mail or newspaper lying around spread out, 'course that could serve as a tablecloth. And burping, you might think it was required. I do not prefer it, but I have grown accustomed.

Like right now, some burping is going on, but at least we are not at the dinner table. Watching the World Rodeo Finals in Las Vegas on TV, so maybe burping is appropriate. Some guy just left his horse and landed hard and into the rail around the outside of the arena. He was competing in a steer wrestling event, missed the calf but nailed the railing pretty good. The horses are beautiful, of course I am wondering if that one got a thumping. Their job is to keep their rider safe and out of trouble. It was not a bronc event.

A fine thing happened to me this morning. We broke into small groups at church to pray for an upcoming outreach. I was blessed to be in the same group as My son and got to listen as he prayed. I was blown away by his maturity and love for the Lord and the ones we hope to reach with the gospel. God often gives us little gifts of joy to temper out a day's grind of the ordinary. We must listen and look closely so as not to miss the small blessings. Blessing of sweet words spoken, a kind thought, a bluebird in a neighbors tree, no junk mail in the box...well haven't seen that one yet, but you get the picture. I am practicing recognising and enjoying the everyday. Because the everyday is the life we live; it should be the life we enjoy. God has ordained it, it has to be good.

A Family Christmas Portrait
Scary enough for you Rob? Ha. No...its not the Adams Family. My mom and dad, and my brother and I about oh, thirty years ago. At Christmas too, so the pic is seasonally relevant. I am on my was down for a nap. We had the company Christmas party last night and everything went real well, except that we were late, the last ones to arrive, no not true, the next to the last ones to arrive. Doug and Cynthia came in a bout five minutes after us. So no one was there to greet our guests. Yikes! Did I ever feel like a heal. Our tardiness did not keep anyone from enjoying the appetizers or getting a bar drink or two. I was glad to see every one relaxed and having a good time. I wonder if they would have even noticed if we did not make it? Maybe when the waitress brought the bill?

Sleep coming quickly.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Been two hole hours now...

OK, just got home, well an hour or so ago; had a wonderful time at Ned's birthday dinner. He thought it was going to be just family, and Hannah. We surprised him with just a few friends; the Snyder gang+spouses and significant others, Molly and Andrew, Sarah, and Josh. David was away, Meg working. The cool part, Ned was surprised. No one is ever surprised, at least not any party I have ever planned. Well, I do remember one for Skip when he turned 75, but that has been awhile. Ned thanked us over and over. He was so sweet. Truly incredible what the Spirit of God can do. What has happened in Ned is so fun to watch, and so God. That I have had to do nothing is even better; it has been all the Lord. I am tired. The cold really takes it out of me. All that energy my body uses to keep itself warm is draining the pool usually tapped into for other things. Like maybe walking, speaking clearly, brushing my teeth, which I have not done yet. This blog will drive Rob back to the Japanese, pretty dull stuff.

Oh, here's a funny; a few months, maybe six or more, I bought a book, Organization for the Creative Mind. I loved it, dove right into the first chapter or so. Laid it aside and promptly forgot all about it. At the time I thought it would revolutionize my cluttered mind and home, I was that impressed. Today...I needed a safety pin to fasten the sleeve of a flannel lined jacket I wanted to wear to the barn. I knew I had a pile of them, but where. I looked in the half dozen or so places they should/could have been. Nope. I started rummaging through a box, in a cupboard I have not been in for ages. Ned is in the other room on his computer when I start laughing our loud, alone. I explain that I have figured out my problem and hence what causes the him and the rest of the family to live such a kaotic life. The book, the one I loved, that would change the way I think and live, was in a bag, in the bottom of a box, in the back of a cupboard I never go in. Maybe I should just read my Bible. I know what pile of clothes its under, beside what chair, in my room, by my bed. I would only have to dig around for a few minutes...Good thing God loves me, Good thing He has a sense of humor. Ha. Ha. Good thing He blessed me with one too. Bundle up and burrow in. Hold on to the Fire of God.

Ooops, I got the title wrong, and the premise; time management, organization, same ting, but you get the idea.

Hey guys...I posted my brains out last night; where in the heck are ya'll?

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

If you see Ned on Thursday be sure and wish him a happy 21st birthday!!

A Pile of it
OK Vic, If I had the energy I would laugh out loud. Ha...if I thought my nerves would have stood it, than yes I do wish I had been there. Truly though, it does not sound a whole lot different than me trying to get out of bed in the morning. "Oh Jesus, help me please, just help me get my feet onto the floor, I know you can help me lift my head off the pillow. Thank you, oh no there it goes again, buried back in the softness of it all." Roll over, pull the thick squishy quilt over my head. "Please help me not to hit the snooze, AGAIN..." It can get worse after that. I even get up, late, wake Jer, and crawl back in bed. The standing upright can be a challenge, down the steps, make the coffee, check the temp to know how many layers I need pile so as to not freeze to death feeding my equines. Back up the steps, start to squeeze into the under armour, sit back down on the bed, fight, fight, fight, the temptation to lie back down, even on top the covers, half dressed feels soooo good. Well, you get the picture.

Today the blacksmith, ferrier, horseshoer was here. Now that we have a barnful it takes five hours or so to get them all trimmed and reshod. Means five hours of standing holding one horse after another while Jeff picks up their feet, trims the hoof one at a time, pulls off the old shoe, nails on a new one, trims the nails, refiles the hoof to look nice in the new shoe. Not everyone gets shoes, only the horses that get ridden a bunch. We took the shoes off Poco, Jer's pony, since he has not been ridden so much lately, pulled the back shoes off the big black mare, since she isn't doing much either. Turns into quite the production. Except to go in once to pee, I was not in the house from eight in the morning until almost three in the afternoon. Bless you Janet, it you had not been here to relieve me and help hold the kids, I am not sure I would have made it. I even got you to hold the hard ones. Of couse Poco is not so big and bad with that chain tied under his upper lip. No don't anyone get all PETA on me, its humane, just a wee bit uncomfortable. Keeps 'em manageable in case they want to kill you, which he, Poco, does when Jeff is nailing on the new shoes. All of a sudden our sweet little pony turns into Jack the Ripper, really. So yea Janet, you are the best to come stand around in the cold for hours on end holding on to the angry end of a half a ton of angry horse.

I was almost too tired to even eat lunch, I found some leftover potatoes in the fridge, nuked 'em, and curled up on a heating pad just to bring up my body temp to somewhere near normal. Honestly thought a tough day, bad day, in the barn is better than a good day almost anywhere else. I have really found my sweet spot. Drew may be the one shoveling it up above, but I'd rather be shoveling manure than any indoor chore I can think of. Huh. Who'd a thunk it? God has poured His blessings upon me. Equine therapy, nothing better.

Here's a pic of me and my girl in Lexington VA at the one and only Paso show we ever went to. One was enough, not my game. But she sure looks purdy don't ya think? I miss her bunches, days like today, maintence stuff where she was such a good girl, just doesn't seem right for her not to be here. First time Jeff had been here since we lost her. When I told him about her light being burned out the next morning after her passing, I thought he was going to tear up. Again, the mercy God has poured into my life amazes me. That I should have such dear friends and horse folks in my life simply blows me away. The every day little blessings are the very best. They make life dear, precious, and sweet. Jesus physical hand in our lives comes in so many surprising ways.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Big Night Out

The night on the town in the City turned out to be quite a night. The party was held in the Hilton Hotel on the Point in Pittsbugh in the largest ballroom between New York and Chicago. Nine hundred guests enjoyed a delectable dinner, dessert, and dancing; well not all nine hundred danced, we did not. I guess last year The Clarks played; someone else did this year, but they were good, kinda retro rock. Each table sat four couples, eight people; four ribboned boxes from Sacks Fifth Avenue and a lovely wreath decorated the tables. The picture above is less than half the room and it does not show the dance floor; the tableclothes were white but other than that you can see how fancy it was. The company, Rosebud Mining Co., the business hosting the gala spared no expense to ensure all thier guests had a wonderful evening including a room in the hotel. Not all of us had rooms in the Hilton; we were sent a few blocks up the road to the Omni William Penn, which was simply WONDERFUl...100+ years old but with every modern convience. Our room even had bathrobes hanging in a closet half as big as Jeremiah's bedroom. I could wear one for free but if I wanted to take one home it cost $96. Ha! You can go on line and order on for yourself.
Too tired to continue...

Lobby William Penn