That cat on the wall, that cat on the wall, that cat should not be on that wall, oh no she should not.

Not much to say, I have been busy in my own slowwww motion way. Yesterday was a big horse day, spent much of it in the barn, rode Zulu, the big black mare. I only rode for a little while, until the torrents of heaven opened...again. But I spent some time doing horse and barn maintenance. Janet came out for a while, we were gonna ride until the leaky sky nixed that. I had been on Zulu briefly before she arrived. So I worked on braiding up a few tails for winter. You braid strips of cloth into their tales and then tie them up, like in half. It keeps the mud and ice from ratting them up too badly over the winter months. I still have a few to go, as it can be a bit time consuming. Janet played with Joey, giving him a good once over grooming. We tidied up the tack room and swept up a bit. It is always fun, and relaxing to hang out and do horse stuff. I was outside from around seven thirty until after two thirty. So I was bushed. Drew brought dinner home from Bruno's which was a real blessing.
Today was almost as hectic. I had a Dr.s appointment in Elderton around eleven, took over an hour. Came home, ate lunch, slept, and Janet came back over today to do some more horse stuff. When the weather changes rapidly like it has been these last weeks it is very hard on the horses, causes them stress. The stress can effect their digestive system which I have explained is very delicate. We mixed up ground bran and water and stirred it into their regular feed, giving them a very mild laxative of sorts. Kinda keeps them from getting bound up which is what can cause real problems.
After that I came in, finished up dinner, fed the gang, the gang of two and got ready to go meet with a contractor for our house. Can't share much about that yet, but will in the near future. Pretty exciting stuff. We are going with a little bit different plan, but I am confident in God's hand in the project and am content to let Him lead. Funny, I give up a few of my desires to achieve a greater good. in other areas of the final production. Kinda sounds like a good lesson in there somewhere.
Nothing pithy or all that spiritual tonight. I am tired, and I need Jesus. Doc said I look OK, but have to have a couple of tests run. This aging has some interesting side effects. Gotta get some sleep, morning comes fast.
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
I wonder, whenever I learn about the amount of care that must go into (fill in the blank: raising roses, horses, caring for your vehicle). I mean, now that I'm watching more television, such as it is, I see commercials for every kind of ailment one could imagine --- and a new drug designed just for that.
So my issue becomes: what happened all those years before we had this stuff? Roses seemed to do okay, horses too... people just took reasonable care of their cars, and were told to avoid using any of those (aisles and aisles) of gas and oil supplements... and if you had "restless legs," you dealt with it without taking drugs that might still your legs, but also cause your ears to fall off ("Talk to your doctor about potentially lethal side-effects of using LegBeStill").
And therapy? Why EVERYONE needs therapy! How is it possible to get through all the trauma in your day, much less your life, without loads of deep, powerful, therapy?
Now I understand there are breakthroughs in science and technology, and that roses might be more hardy and horses might be living longer and cars may have more issues with all that's asked of them... but it seems like we, especially in the USA, have more time to perseverate on issues and to focus on things that might not register on other people's meters.
You know?
I'm guilty of this, as well. I've got my oil and gas supplements, hoping to get to 200,000 miles out of my car. I've got my nutritional supplements (instead of simply focusing on eating a balanced diet and exercising more). But I also think, in the back of my mind, that my car and my body would be better off if I avoided the "quick fix" syndrome that's probably costing me MORE on a day-to-day basis and just... changed my oil more often and ate more fruits and vegetables.
And science in general? Not a lot of confidence. Global cooling! Wait, no, it's global warming! Eggs are bad, no... good for you. Lycopene fights prostate cancer... oh, wait, no, it can actually accelerate the growth of prostate cancer. C'mon, people!
And where's my hover car, science? Huh, technology? I'm looking at YOU.
Time to make my good ol' Quality Inn waffle, and hope that they clean the machine from time to time before Vicki sends me a YouTUBE link to the latest hotel expose/scandal: WAFFLEGATE.
Wow! Was that before or after coffee?
It was interesting though when I was in China to see myself (an American) through the eyes of people from other countries. The British people and the Dutch people I traveled with thought we were so spoiled.
We went to a McDonald's in China. It was a normal size McDonald's but only had about eight items on the menu. I commented about it asking if it was an express McDonald's or something and everyone made fun of me. What did I know?
One of the British people spoke up and said, "You American's think you need so many choices. You have huge grocery stores with aisle after aisle of different choices. This isn't an express McDonald's. It is a normal McDonald's. But American's think they need so many choices - cater to me- that is why your menu has more." The Dutch just nodded their head in agreement.
I felt about an inch tall after that.
Well, I am going to eat breakfast.
Should I eat oatmeal, Frosted Mini Wheat’s, Total Raisin Bran, or I could have an egg white omelet... so many choices... hmmm
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