OK, just got home, well an hour or so ago; had a wonderful time at Ned's birthday dinner. He thought it was going to be just family, and Hannah. We surprised him with just a few friends; the Snyder gang+spouses and significant others, Molly and Andrew, Sarah, and Josh. David was away, Meg working. The cool part, Ned was surprised. No one is ever surprised, at least not any party I have ever planned. Well, I do remember one for Skip when he turned 75, but that has been awhile. Ned thanked us over and over. He was so sweet. Truly incredible what the Spirit of God can do. What has happened in Ned is so fun to watch, and so God. That I have had to do nothing is even better; it has been all the Lord. I am tired. The cold really takes it out of me. All that energy my body uses to keep itself warm is draining the pool usually tapped into for other things. Like maybe walking, speaking clearly, brushing my teeth, which I have not done yet. This blog will drive Rob back to the Japanese, pretty dull stuff.
Oh, here's a funny; a few months, maybe six or more, I bought a book, Organization for the Creative Mind. I loved it, dove right into the first chapter or so. Laid it aside and promptly forgot all about it. At the time I thought it would revolutionize my cluttered mind and home, I was that impressed. Today...I needed a safety pin to fasten the sleeve of a flannel lined jacket I wanted to wear to the barn. I knew I had a pile of them, but where. I looked in the half dozen or so places they should/could have been. Nope. I started rummaging through a box, in a cupboard I have not been in for ages. Ned is in the other room on his computer when I start laughing our loud, alone. I explain that I have figured out my problem and hence what causes the him and the rest of the family to live such a kaotic life. The book, the one I loved, that would change the way I think and live, was in a bag, in the bottom of a box, in the back of a cupboard I never go in. Maybe I should just read my Bible. I know what pile of clothes its under, beside what chair, in my room, by my bed. I would only have to dig around for a few minutes...Good thing God loves me, Good thing He has a sense of humor. Ha. Ha. Good thing He blessed me with one too. Bundle up and burrow in. Hold on to the Fire of God.
Ooops, I got the title wrong, and the premise; time management, organization, same ting, but you get the idea.

You digging in a box in your closet reminds me of the time I stayed at your house while you were in Florida.
I heard this awful sound in the middle of the night and started screaming for Randy to come save me.
There was a mouse that had jumped out of your nightstand and run across the room into your closet.
Randy couldn't catch the mouse so I made the cat sleep in the room with me.
In the morning there was a dead mouse proudly on display.
Oh yea Vic, those were the days, huh? What a good sport you are.
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