Gift for Kaleb that I assembled yesterday, even remembered the batteries
Hummmmm....what to say, what to say!
My day started for real around 6:50, fresh coffee made by Ali, already brewed in the kitchen. Played with Isabella, wow what a cutie! Watched Jer pout his way through a haircut. Ned says Jer is old enough to have control of his own hair, hence no haircut. I say when Jer can control his hair, he can have it as long as he wants. Run Jer up to the bus at 7:30, back to the house to yack with Ali and suck in another cup of coffee. Oops, forgot, short conversation with Ned before he left for work, before I took Jer to the bus. To the barn, hay, water the equines, heckle Sheldon while he picks the stalls, I usually clean two while he does the other three. Sew a horse blanket, heckle Sheldon some more. Take Sheldon home. Bake some cookies, you know the kind where the dough comes in a tub and you just glob them on the pan and remember to take them out of the oven. Wrap a few gifts. Nap. Fix dinner. Wrap a few more gifts for some friends whose home I am to be at by 4:00. Do evening horse chors. Send Jer back to the house to change, way too much poopie mud on his pants to "wipe" off. Drive Jer to Murphy's to meet Ben for tutoring. Taks stuff to Goodwill. Pick up gift certificates, stop at CVS for three small gifts, back to Murphy's. Get Jer and visit with the coolest family around. Drive through, YackDonalds. Eat in car. Dollar Tree for gifts for Jer's little friends, and teachers at school. Martin's; me in car, Jer gets the soda for his class party. Home. Sit on couch with Drew. Up to bed. Blog for Rob. Day over. Ahhhhh
Wow Sandy - Impressive day! I was just with CYS and placed a kid at 9:30 at night then hung out with a convicted sex offender for the second night in a row waiting for his wife to come home so I could bust her for being out and not having the kids home and in bed by 10. Left that house at 10:45pm and then drove home from tim-buc-tu. I had calls at midnight last night because a mom couldn't get her teenager to bed and wanted me to do something about it. She wanted to talk all night long, finally I said, it's bed time - just give him a consequence and go to bed.
Hey Rob... my shoulder is killing me... literally. I had to take some meds tonight because I was getting a migraine and my shoulder hurt and my eyes looked like I had just come from a pretty good party.
I have to make a pie, cookies, and wrap all my presents yet. At least I am done shopping... I never did get to the Christmas cards... maybe tomorrow... oh wait, that is report day since we have Monday off... How about Happy New Year cards?
Anyway, I am looking forward to a couple of days off. I got all my hair cut off because it was driving me crazy. Now I can just fluff it and go...
Well, that is my book for the evening. I think you still win with your busy day though Sandy...
Oh, and I watched the Walton's today... John Boy went off to war...
Good night John Boy...
OK Rob,
All this aughta get you to leave that eighties music where it belongs, IN A GRAVE...
Another wild day. No, I didn't deal with the wide-awake nightmare stuff that I used to and, I see, Vic still is... but stuff that makes me, like Vic, want to be more anonymous. SO many opportunities for growth.
I think I'm driving back up there tomorrow, just to actually knock some work out without the staff and associated crises to get in the way.
I'm sorry about your shoulder, Vic.
Alright guys... my phone is turned over and I am officially on vacation! Yeah!
Went to my work Christmas party tonight at the Ironwood Grill... I had a really nice time. I am so excited for the next few days. Being off, getting things done, and spending time with my family... (I'm feeling better too...)
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
I love you guys...my life seems tame. I guess we all have our own good deeds to do and rows to hoe. But I am so very proud of both of you. Vic, I know it is past due for you to have a new job, but you are a light is someone's daily darkness. Thank You. And Rob, I believe you have found a niche(sp?) a place where folks need and apprieciate your giftings. How blessed am I with friends like thses. Should blog, but sleep beckons.
A warning to you two: I'm attempting a week-long fast, 100% free from sarcasm and cynical humor. I've been increasingly convicted about how I (especially under pressure) use sarcasm way too frequently and intensely. It's revealing things in my heart that I'm not surprised about, but needed some reminding about, to knock back, a bit. Or mortify, as the Bible would have it.
After this week I want to slowly phase it back in, with a more control and awareness. I pray.
So if my responses are more business-like, that's what's going on.
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Got my snow tires on, this morning. I feel better about my next 30-45 days of MULTIPLE trips to Meadville and to Harrisburg. Harrisburg, apparently, doesn't usually get that much snow, but it's the scary trip between Kittanning and the turnpike (like Cresson!) that's worrisome.
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I've decided to use today to plan a bit, and then go up to Meadville tomorrow, after church, to do some work.
I guess I don't understand the "highness" of my position, as things I suggest are taken very seriously by big-time higher-ups. So my opinions carry more weight than I've realized. It's weird, now that I've been the one signing off on things. Is the quote from Spiderman?: with great power comes great responsibility. I'm not saying I have great power, but I have greater power than I used to, and need to be more humble and mindful of that, and this is another EXCELLENT reason to be much more careful about what comes out of my mouth and thus what's in my heart.
Wow Rob, you are really growing in the Lord... what grace and humility I see in your life.
I applaud your efforts to watch what you say...
I have a verse on my fridge that says pretty bluntly what I need to remember. It says the following...
"Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."
Proverbs 10:19
(New Living Translation)
Are you meditating on any scriptures to help you this week? This is an area where I need to grow in A LOT!!!
Sandy, I love you my friend and am so grateful for you. Thanks for your encouragement. I love your family. You all have a wonderful gift to take people as they are... and love them.
Thanks for loving this wretched sinner.
Did anyone else notice that right after I spend, like, $500 on snow tires, that the high tomorrow, on Sunday, is supposed to be near 60 degrees?
This is God testing me, with the sarcastic/cynical stuff. And I'm starting to go through withdrawal, so i may just flip out in a crazy psychotic binge during my time as Coordinator of the Day.
Avert your eyes, children!
Well it was a beautiful day, and I got to Meadville around 3:30. Around 7:30 I bothered to look out the window and saw snow blowing like crazy. I left around 8:30, and got home around midnight. Snow and ice... accidents on 79, 422, and in West Kittanning. Big ones, I mean.
THANK YOU, GOD that I have my snow tires! My car is not great in snow/ice, but the snow tires give me a little edge, and I at least feel safe, and apparently am, a little more so.
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Related to the sarcasm thing, somehow, because lately it's seeming like everything is, I guess I've moved from a position where I could complain (and boy, could I!) about poor leadership or management... but now I'm expected to DO something about it. And it's a lot easier to complain.
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My new, but, I think, short-lived vice is Lays Dill Pickle potato chips. Similar to salt and vinegar chips... the bite is strong, and the salt is great... but it's intense (ha ha... I'm talking about POTATO CHIPS being something intense in my life! I'm officially middle aged!).
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Time to relax... peace out, everyone.
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