Early to bed early to rise
(older photo that serves here)
I went to bed last night around eight-thirty. Yes, I was up before six. Laid in bed for a while until restless guilt drug me from my favorite comfort zone. I need the Lord this morning. Every morning right? What really woke me today was some serious anxiety. Racing heart and thoughts, shortness for breath, pounding chest, and of course my personal favorite, that sensation in your head like it is just going to implode. Whine, whine, whine, yep that's...not gonna be me today. I need to get in the word and read the truth of God, not my personal reality which screams this day is gonna suck. Ha! Sounds like me. But the God who lives in me is more than able to equip me to rise above the trouble in my personal land, and bring victory to my body, spirit, and soul.
Jesus, captivate my thoughts and fill my mind with your word, your truth, your thoughts, that I might live this day for your glory, the good of my family and friends, and the furthering of your kingdom. Amen...
Hey Sandy,
More than "I hope you have a great day," I'll pray you have a great day. Anything in particular stressing you out, or is it just the regular stuff + holidays? If I thought about most of MY regular stuff + holidays, I'd probably be having a panic attack, too. I realize I've been working so hard getting "seasonal cards" (can't say "holiday" since it means "holy day") and gifts and the like out for this agency in Meadville, that I've not done any shopping or cards or anything of my own.
Okay. I have a busy day today, tonight (Pittsburgh Region party), and two more parties this weekend... what a social butterfly I've become...
My dear friend, I will pray that the Lord will surround you with His peace and fill you with His joy.
I pray that the Lord will give you strength to get through the day as you continue to rely on His strength instead of your own.
What a beautiful prayer you wrote Sandy. The Lord is pleased that your eyes are looking to Him in the midst of your trial.
You will be able to press on because He promises to help those who are weary.
Praying for you...
I am so proud of you, parties did not used to be your thing, if I remember, you avoided them like unsanitized glasses.
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