Here we have my family oh...forty seven years ago or so. I think that's my cousin in the bassinet. My mom was so beautiful.
Yep the cutie in the back is me right beside my grandpa. Ah, what a memory, well maybe the picture triggers some later memories, but I do have some that go way back. I may have been two or so. Don't know if this was a holiday or not, but back then every family meal was a little on the formal side. The table was set, tablecloth, napkins, all the silverware lined up properly, butter on a dish, all the food in/in its own serving dish on the table. Look, even candles. No burping, ever.
Ha, my mom would just choke if she saw my dinner table. Food served from the stove, butter sitting in the wrapper right on the table, only as much silverware as needed; no spoons unless there is soup or applesauce. Sometimes the day's mail or newspaper lying around spread out, 'course that could serve as a tablecloth. And burping, you might think it was required. I do not prefer it, but I have grown accustomed.
Like right now, some burping is going on, but at least we are not at the dinner table. Watching the World Rodeo Finals in Las Vegas on TV, so maybe burping is appropriate. Some guy just left his horse and landed hard and into the rail around the outside of the arena. He was competing in a steer wrestling event, missed the calf but nailed the railing pretty good. The horses are beautiful, of course I am wondering if that one got a thumping. Their job is to keep their rider safe and out of trouble. It was not a bronc event.
A fine thing happened to me this morning. We broke into small groups at church to pray for an upcoming outreach. I was blessed to be in the same group as My son and got to listen as he prayed. I was blown away by his maturity and love for the Lord and the ones we hope to reach with the gospel. God often gives us little gifts of joy to temper out a day's grind of the ordinary. We must listen and look closely so as not to miss the small blessings. Blessing of sweet words spoken, a kind thought, a bluebird in a neighbors tree, no junk mail in the box...well haven't seen that one yet, but you get the picture. I am practicing recognising and enjoying the everyday. Because the everyday is the life we live; it should be the life we enjoy. God has ordained it, it has to be good.
Wonderful post Sandy... loved every word. BTW... we don't eat every meal all fancy and formal, but our holiday meals at my mom's look just like the one in your picture... (the other days of the year she is pushing junk mail to the side of the table... but don't tell her I told you that...)
Whew, what a drive! The turnpike was foggy... I mean REALLY foggy. I wasn't in a hurry, however, and am catching up on my podcasts (I don't know how many weeks it's been since I've used my iPod for MUSIC... it's all podcasts and messages and stuff) and may need to listen to something upbeat tomorrow on my drive back to Kittanning.
But I'm in my hotel room, got the heat cranked, and my dinner, from Subway, is waiting.
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Vicki, did you ever send back any of that loose tea from Stash? They've always been more than cooperative, as long as the bags aren't open, obviously.
If you like anise, and few people seem to, they make a licorice tea that will knock your socks off. You don't need sugar, and I think it only comes in teabags... it's too intense to drink more than a cup at a time, I think.
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Paula Deen is making brownies, on the Food Network. She just added a box of Andes mints to a batch... which really sounds good. She's going to put a glaze on it... that might be okay... I hate icing on brownies... oh, wait, her glaze is essentially icing. Ruined!
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Stream of consciousness... more than usual. I think. Time to eat and do a bunch of paperwork for my meetings, tomorrow.
My latest challenge: state regs pretty much say that kids in foster care should never use any power tool. We've said that, but allowed exceptions if the team (including, of course, the foster parents and the natural parents or legal guardians) thinks it's okay. In other words, kids who've proven to be responsible can use lawn mowers or ride on the back of a snowmobile or something... but now someone in the state is challenging this and we're having to refine/redefine the entire policy (for our company), and try to imagine having 15 people on a committee try to agree on this, while everyone is arguing about word choice, where to put the comma, etceteras. The main thing I care about is the font, of course, as most of our policy manual is in 14 point Times New Roman Bold. Yes, all of it in bold.
Speaking of fonts, I can't believe this is out on DVD already, but I guess an entire movie on one font probably didn't stay at the box office very long:
Thanks for sharing a great photo and some great stories. Your pic looks a lot like pictures of our family when my brothers were younger.
I was the last of the kids and so the style of my younger days is slightly different but my mom still put on a table like this.
Now we're much more casual and also enjoy a good burp after dinner.
Thanks for the smile,
Lori at the World Burping Association and BurpForFame.com
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