The night on the town in the City turned out to be quite a night. The party was held in the Hilton Hotel on the Point in Pittsbugh in the largest ballroom between New York and Chicago. Nine hundred guests enjoyed a delectable dinner, dessert, and dancing; well not all nine hundred danced, we did not. I guess last year The Clarks played; someone else did this year, but they were good, kinda retro rock. Each table sat four couples, eight people; four ribboned boxes from Sacks Fifth Avenue and a lovely wreath decorated the tables. The picture above is less than half the room and it does not show the dance floor; the tableclothes were white but other than that you can see how fancy it was. The company, Rosebud Mining Co., the business hosting the gala spared no expense to ensure all thier guests had a wonderful evening including a room in the hotel. Not all of us had rooms in the Hilton; we were sent a few blocks up the road to the Omni William Penn, which was simply WONDERFUl...100+ years old but with every modern convience. Our room even had bathrobes hanging in a closet half as big as Jeremiah's bedroom. I could wear one for free but if I wanted to take one home it cost $96. Ha! You can go on line and order on for yourself.
Too tired to continue...
Lobby William Penn

Wow, that's almost as nice as the Waldorf Quality Inn Astoria I stay at, in Meadville!
I am so glad to hear that a humble civil servant as yourself gets to live so high sometimes. I know you are not technically a CIVIL servant, but you do serve the public humbly...
Oh, I don't do anything humbly, Sandy. You wouldn't believe how deeply sinful my heart is, how much calculation goes into what I do and say.
There's so much craziness out there... what does our generation look like to older folks, who fought bravely in wars and when things at least seemed more black and white. I can obsess all day about stupid stuff while half a world away people are being killed for simply possessing a Bible. I hardly even read mine.
I'm not humble, and anything nice I ever do is completely because of the holy spirit, not me. Not me at all.
Geeze Rob,
Ok...we are all worms and slugs, I was just poking fun. You are so right about a spoiled generation, good thing got in on the tail of the baby boomers, so I am one back from you...NO I am very spoiled too.
So are we trying to say who is more spoiled than the other?... cuz I might win that one...
I appreciate your humility though Rob. Thanks.
I was just out driving tonight... terrible weather. Even in my SUV I still wound up sideways in on-coming traffic. Thankfully no cars were coming. I drove half-way home in first gear about 10-15 miles an hour.
Here was what it sounded like if you were in the car with me...
"Oh no... Jesus please, please, please. (Deep sigh...) Thank you Jesus."...
"Not again! Oh Jesus... please, please, please, Ahhhh! Jesus Help! Ahhh! Don't hit me... Ahhh! (Deep sigh...) Thank you Jesus."...
Makes you wish you were there huh???
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