Below are our two new calves. The little red with a black mama is a replacement for the one we lost. We are working and praying to get #6 to accept the little girl. So far we still have to tie her and twist her tail up over her back (really) to get her to let the wee one nurse. But she is not kicking it near so much as the first day. The second pic is the Big and Little Red, the players in the hillside birth. Both are doing very well. Adopted red is a third the size as "Little Red" and she is three weeks old, not having a mother and only having been bottle fed she is much behind were she should be. It is super way past my bed time. So no profound or funny stories for tonight. Wanted to get the babies pictures up. Too cute huh?

ps notice the tag in "Little Red's" ear...its bigger than her ear :}
Do you think Little, little red will have rejection issues since big black mama has to be tied up and forced to accept her? That can't feel good... Maybe Rob could work with big black mama on foster parenting skills...
Oh you know it is late when you start talking crazy...
I have been staying up until 1-2 am lately (insomnia) and then sleeping until 9 am.
Cute pics Sandy. BTW - are all of your cows future food? Don't want to get too attached...
Vic, many of the heifers stay on as new mamas. The bulls, yep they all become steaks and ground steak. It seems like a cruel world but I am learning it be a part of it. And most farmers realy care for their stock the vet who gave us the little orphan has called several times to check on her. He raises dairy cows. Mostly its a gentle reality.
Crow: "How Do Animals Learn?" Well, as long as they learn to taste good, I don't really care.
-- Mystery Science Theater 3000, "Century 21 Calling" short
Century 21 Calling
3:50 seconds in.
But the whole thing is great. As is the one above it, Mr. B Natural. Words can't fully express how BIZARRE that one is.
Hi Sandy:
I just love the pictures of the baby cows.
Thanks Raye, they are cuties. Are adopted on is still getting a little flack from her new mama. Say a little prayer that mama finds her nurturing instincts and quits trying to kick the wee one in the head. She did allow it to nurse for a bit, but more would be better. :)
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