Well here we all are, some of us anyways. Ned has more pics; I wil have to get him to email me some of the ones he took. Gabrielle is in the pretty red dress, by herself and playing with Ned, Ben is relaxing on the loveseat in the kitchen...of course I got him with his eyes closed, and Drew doing what he loves best.
I started this blog entry yesterday, or maybe Christmas night, not so sure. See, I did a dumb thing yesterday. Yea right, like what on earth could she do now?...Bent over to hook a strap on Zulu's coat, never a problem when she is in her stall or cross ties; out in a turnout right next door to a handsome gelding, well all bets are off. I bent over, not thinking, really really not thinking, Zulu and Joey are starting to get into it, her back feet fly, and...so do I. All my air is pushed out of my lungs and even hollering for help is near impossible. Jer says I screamed like a girl, but I cannot imagine that. Ha! Sheldon and Jer were in the barn; Jer ran for Ned and Sheldon helped me gather up what was left of myself. I sat for a minute and then decided to hobble to the house. Poor boys, they must have been scared to death. I know I was.
Several hours of ER time later, I was pronounced break and bruise free. Internal bruises anyway. I have a small two--three inch hoof shaped bruise on my abdomen and a much smaller purple mark on my elbow. I cannot imagine what broken ribs are like 'cause I am having enough trouble laughing, coughing, or ahhh moving.
More later...I think that's enough for now.
Wow, another blog filled with sex and violence. Happy holidays, indeed!
I guess that was kind of sarcasm... but my week of fasting is nearly over.
Glad you're okay, and I'll keep looking for more photos!
Oh Rob, Your sacasm is what endears me to you so...Violence maybe; sex, icky poo.
Not so sure why this reads "posted wednesday" I started Wednesday but did not post until last night, Thursday evening. Just to keep the timeline straight...for those who care.
I am SO not about timelines.
Actually, that's how Blogger works... it tracks from when you started the post. There's some option, some place in there, to alter when you want it to list the post date.
- - -
My initial post was in reference to YOUR post, about the horses being attracted to each other, "Zulu and Joey are starting to get into it" and all that. Then the violence, with you in the middle, getting beat up and spending time in the ER.
Or, it's a reflection of my filthy mind. Or both.
- - -
Man, I can't tell if things are getting better or worse, up here. There's definitely a "one step forward, two steps back" feeling, but some parts are several steps ahead, and other parts are careeening backwards.
I continue to be amazed at how many opportunities (and how patient) God gives me for growth.
Newsflash: I'm still just looking at most of them pass me by... "Huh... there goes another one... wow!"
Sandy, wow, I am so glad you are ok. You need to take a picture of the horseshoe shape bruise on your abdomen. That is a keeper.
I have been deathly ill with the flu. I haven't been this sick in a very long time. I spent the entire night getting sick about every 20 minutes. Now I have a migraine, but it is slowly going away after taking some meds.
It was actually nice to lay around and do nothing all day. I couldn't make it off the couch and slept most of the day. Too tired to even watch much TV.
Thank the Lord for doctors, shots and pills.
Well, I will pray you have a speedy recovery and not be sore.
Rob, your sarcasm is so funny. I wouldn't give it up altogether. Glad the week is almost over.
Take care all.
The getting "into it" was not necessarily sexual, could be, one horse was a GELDING, the other just plain nasty to the other horses, not ususally to humans. Heh! But she does kinda have the hots for Joey. Enough about all that though, this is a family blog.
And yes, that sarcasm used with a touch of grace is really quite funny. And a merry heart is very good medicine. Laughter along with Vic said the doctor's good are both big blessings from a kind God.
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