Oops, just published before I wrote anything. Silly me. I have already backspaced four times and not written twenty words. May be a brief post. Here at Stillwater Farms the lights this Sunday night are dim. Drew is watching rural TV at its best, Jer has retired for the evening and I am due to follow shortly. My energy meter ran out early today and a long nap and two cups of coffe could not refuel it. No worries.
Sadly I missed the benift concert for Ian. I wimped out due to the weather, well there was another reason. Jer had friends over who were going to go with us. Plans changed and they had to go home early so their dad coming to pick them up would conflict with us being in town. The combination of that and everyone being Friday tired kept the Drew Kimmel clan at home. I heard that the concert was a huge success and that many $$ were raised. Praise God!!
I am going to start serious work on preparing to move this week. I may not get past the planning stage, but even that would be a real step in a positive direction. We have lived here over 22 years. Hard to believe really. I had never lived anywhere more than four years prior to this. Compound my 22 years times six other people's stuff and you may have an idea what I am up against. Even with two and one half of the seven having moved out, very little of their "stuff" went with them.
I need to be gentle with myself this week though. Jer has two basketball games, a practice; I have home group, and a doctors appointment. Monday after school we go straight to the Murphy's for Jer's tutoring. Yikes. But Lynne and I have a small plans for Wednesday and Friday morning. Lynn is the woman who has been helping me around the house. OK, she cleans, does laundry and all the other tasks that I don't do. Ali still gets my groceries and comes in a few hours a week but her growing family and work load keeps her from working the hours I need/want. I have already been going from room to room making mental lists of what I want to move and what is going to the garbage or to a moving sale. Considering my mental capacity I would do well to commit theses lists to print of paper.
Nine thirty, time for me to shut off the lights completely. Thank you Lord for being patient with me today. Thank you for a good word this morning from Mark. Thank you for a wonderful family and great friends. Bring all my sons into your Kingdom. In your Name,
Glad to see you blogging regularly again, Sandy!
This is my crazy week of insanity where I at least get to sleep in my own bed each night, even if it means having to be on the road by 6:30 every morning... oops. Gotta go.
Stay sane robbo. enjoy your bed
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