In less than two weeks from today my son, will leave his home and begin a new chapter in his life; creating a new family, his own. I can scarce type out the words without the emotion of it all welling up hard and strong from my deepest parts.
Even now my youngest grandson lies beside me on the floor kicking and jabbering and life is being lived all about. Kaleb has already escaped from his crib and skipped his way downstairs and into the kitchen; all the while grinning and proud of his Houdini-like talents. I believe he thinks that the sweeter he looks when he shows up free the less likely he will be returned to his cherrywood bar prison. An older son and his fiancee, struggle with the financial decisions of life and my heart yearns to make it all easier.
Like any life changing event, life walks on. We can keep the pace and continue on the journeys God has laid out for us, or we can allow ourselves to be sidetracked by the changing seasons and squalls of living. But then I ask myself, what is living, clinging only to the soft and easy of life? Most likely that could be done, wandering around in a self-created fog of fantasy, allowing for minimal pain; but not accessing the true joys and deep seated contentments that come from endurance and long suffering. Every moment of breathing must be embraced as a God given gift; cherished, caressed, savored. Knowing that all things work toward the the good of those whose life foundation is built on the Cornerstone Jesus. Truely there is no other who will fill, satisfy, heal, or carry our hearts, none other than the Godchild whose birth we celebrate during this Christmas season.
So while my young man son, becomes a husband, the bridegroom to his young wife, I am blessed, and overjoyed to know that their home will be built on the Foundation. I am blessed he has found a kindred soul who will love him and all his humanness. A sweet woman of God who has chosen to set herself beside him and walk out their life journey together.
With all this joy and happy contentment filling my heart, why then will the tears not stop? Why does my heart tremble as if broken? Nothing could be further from the truth. But it is at these crossroads, milestone moments of life, that all of life reels past our mind's eye and our heart's passion. I see that dark haired infant with the long fingers and toes. I remember my mother, mother-in-law, Skip; I want to hold them each close and feel them close. I want to hold on to all that life has been, and yet not miss a moment of today, all the while anticipating the adventure of tomorrow. How do those without Jesus keep all of living this life in perspective and not implode with it all?
Finally, my babies sleep. The talking book is silent and the singing mobile is still. Thank you Heavenly Father for this day, all its laughter, joys, and disappointments. You are a good God, and I have a good life.
And, it five months I get to do this all over again...