Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Teenagers, Toddlers, and One Woman's Sanity

I like to title something I write before I begin plucking away. I suppose I believe it gives me direction, like a goal to shoot for or some such notion. Besides it is easy to be quick witted and creative with a mere sentence; the challenge is to be able to produce a longer piece of work that holds up to the title teaser. So if I fall short of my preset goal the delete tab frees me from feelings of failure and self depreciation.

From the baby room, I hear a tractor engine and the chatter of the little farmer at work. The younger brother already asleep is oblivious to all the plowing and harvesting happening in the next crib. Both boys step into turbo drive just before bed, as if trying to squeeze every ounce of activity out of the day. Or, they simply want me to step over the edge.

Shucks, I had wanted to pen so much more; but alas, the lids are droopy and the brain is numb. Evening included an extended discussion on grades, homework, true honesty, and losing television privileges. Tentative conclusions were reached and a glimpse of humility spotted just over the horizon. Tomorrow holds the Hope of new adventures, larger victories, and a riding lesson at 10 AM.

The vet did come last night and administer the usual gallon of mineral oil to three gallons of warm water through a tube and into the belly of the over fed filly. Mia's diet for the next two days consists of banamine paste, and a few fistfuls of hay, no grain. She is most unhappy watching her two barn mates much down sweet feed and a heap of hay. Oh the pain of consequences.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Didn't see you today... hope you are feeling ok... thinking of ya my friend...