Friday, January 31, 2014

Five Minute Friday on Friday yet....go figure

Prompt: Hero
A hero, bigger than life, accomplishing the impossible, despite heart pounding fear demonstrates amazing acts of courage, conquering ogres great and small, but most of all rises up each morning grateful for the day prior and today's Sun rising. No matter the confusion, heartache, physical pain, lack of funds, angry words hurled thoughtlessly their way; places one foot, then another...rising walks confidently into the freshly from the mouth of God adventure called today.
Who is this daring stranger? It is each of us. Broken. Bruised. Ashamed. Receiver of life eternal and life for today. We trust what we cannot see. Cling to what we cannot feel. Refuse to live by what we feel. Knowing the most impossible is compete. We are made whole. One with the Creator King.


Joe Siccardi said...

Visiting from FMF. Short, sweet and to the point. Amen.

Liv said...

Absolutely! When I am weak, than I am strong through Him!