Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wednesday's version of Five Minute Friday

Prompt word: visit

Its kinda funny; I peeked at the prompt over the weekend. By peeked I mean I sat and prepared to write and some child/husband/household disaster exploded, of which I do not remember the details, either way, no writing happened. My mind went back to summer cousin time, when parents "visited", enjoyed a beer or two, sitting around kitchen tables or scattered across a covered porch. Cousins scattered across the basement and grand backyards for adventures, and escapades still unknown by the parents.
Through the course of my day I realized recalling and writing that story might fill a small paperback not a five minute mini prompt. I never left the house that Saturday, but I believe I visited every incher and corner of every room. My haphazard random mind leads from one project to another, never completing an entire task, and in general creating more disorder than tidy rooms or paid bills. I visited the laundry room and threw in load of clothes. I spent some quality time in my bedroom try to go through the pile of miscellaneous boxes and bags leftover stocking stuffers from Christmas and gifts received. I did succeed in boxing up the stocking stuffers, and collected keepsake type gifts into one container (to be placed around my home in "just the right place") oh yea, cause that will happen. I visited my bed for a short nap. I revisited my refrigerator, the week before I had cleaned and organized it; wiping and scrubbing unknown goo from drawers and shelves, all the while the garbage disposal was in overdrive. But this Saturday after peering in to look for ketchup I realized last weeks efforts were all for naught, and I had no ambition to repeat that process. Quickly, closing the door I ordered pizza for lunch.
I visited the living room with the vacuum several times. A Christmas present bean bag did not hold up to the antics of the five and six year old. Volumes upon volumes of round static laced Styrofoam danced from room to room, continually reappearing.
Boys needed played with. Spanked. Put in time out. Screamed at more than once I am sure.
The day spent visiting, was not all vanity and unproductive. Sometime after bedtime, with dishwasher running and glass of wine in hand I sat in MY CHAIR and pondered the goodness of my life and the kindness of my God.
Toys were strewn about and unfolded laundry sat in a basket on the dining room floor. Kitchen garbage and recycling rose above their chosen cans.
And still, the day was not a waste and I was not undone. I know that each day is a gift given for life and loving... boys fell asleep singing, husband was snoring. And me, I was grateful for Grace and Mercy, and a God who gives talent to the owner of the vineyard.


Jen Bradbury said...

Stopping by from Five Minute Friday. Thanks for sharing your day with us... And the fact that amidst the chaos, you sat in your chair and "pondered the goodness of your life and the kindness of God." I appreciated the reminder to do just that!

Jen at ymjen.com

Briana Almengor said...

I just loved that when I read this I could actually hear in my head you saying, "Oh yeah, because that'll happen" in reference to some of the knick knack items you have to place around your house. :)

I am going to try some of these five minute Fridays myself. I posted my first one for this word, "visit." ;)
WIsh I could pop in for a visit with you, Sandy.