Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tuesday. Sun, my favorite natural resource is pouring in the windows. Burrr-cold though. The temps are still lingering around the 25* mark. I did not dress for it this morning. Cool mornings have so quickly led to moderate to warm days that I forgot it was December 19 and winter is upon us. The horses are stomping in their stalls wanting out in that chilly sunshine, at least if they roll today they will not get mudd-encrusted. The ground is frozen into stiff pockmarked brown peakes. The most they might get is an invigorating rub down. Frozen goo does not rub off into their burly winter wool. Getting company today, Mary K. this morning to help wrap gifts, later some lady friends are coming over to help bring order some of my chaos. I had a mental stack of cute and curious to peck out into the world of cyber words, but most have passed into the black hole at the base of my consious thought, and the rest will have to wait until I return from warming my frozen toes. Not sure why the cold has such a grip on me today. Must have to get readjusted after our spring--like yesterdays. heh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The troops are coming in to help you! Yeah!!! Christmas is almost here. Just remember, everything does not have to be perfect. Martha Stewart might have the prettiest decorations, but what is most important is time with your family and close friends. So don't stress trying to be Martha. Sandy is WAY better. If I could spend an hour with Martha or an hour with you, you would win every time... Merry Christmas.