Ever heard that before? Kind of the mode I am in right now. Set one foot in front of the other and trust God for dry land. All in all not a bad place to be. Seems sometimes in our lives God just steps in and takes over, no chance to say no, or even consider if you want to say no...wordy huh?
Drift is...its all about His Plan, His Grace, His Mercy, and His Time for everything in our lives.
I am content. Tired, but not overwhelmed. Blessed to know I am His hands and Heart, without even having to work at it. Yes, it is all work, and the prayers of the saints and the groanings or my own heart are put out there as pleas to our Kind Father, but He does it all. Gives us the chore, sends the Grace to complete it, and then blesses us with a sweet sense of His pleasure.
And, the soft touch of a baby's cheek, a tinkling giggle, or the pure fun of hearing, "horCEE".
Our God is so good and so kind. I am blessed to be His daughter.
Thanks so much for keeping up the blog in my absence. You lives are so interesting. I have had time to read, from my phone. But I cannot comment or post from there. Vic, your girls will be blessed beyond measure to have you for a mom. Sleeping bags on the floor will be OK. It is the love and laughter that goes on in a home that makes it wonderful. You will see.
Rob, I cannot say how amazed I am at where God has taken you. You have become such a humble servant to the children to care for and the people who you work for as well as your underlings. Humility is not always how we feel but how we are seen by others and by our God. He knows your weak heart, but He also knows your desire to be like Him.
Tomorrow is our hearing for custody. Pray all goes well; that God's will is seen and accomplished with Grace and humility.
1 comment:
I will definately pray.
Please email or post even just one sentence of how it went.
Maybe a morning jog with the boys will help wake you up... :)
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