Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Five Minute Friday, a day late again..."Red"

As in seeing red? on the red eye? In the red? Not able to wear red? (That would be me) The Red Dawn, does that date me? Red at night...? I am running out of creative quips. Not usually a problem for me, but the noise in the house is deafening. The couch and my own self seem to have been mistaken for trampolines. I am pretty darn sure that i am to going to find a quiet five minutes and since it not still Friday I figured I had better just peck something out and be done with it for this week. Now the spitting and sucking it back up into a little boy mouth is a bit distracting. Oh well, red huh? Hmm, red is the Blood that was spilt so on days like today and every day for that matter, means the sinning i will most likely be doing today, the ones committed by my little ones have been covered, debt paid in full, cast down and away from the Sight of then holy God...

Once agin I have been duped my the cyber gouls. I was published and because of my technically challenged fingers my cmpleted though feebly so is poof gone. So I will attempt to finish this week off. Praise God as long as the sun rises and I still have breath I there will be another opportunity to try again.


Anonymous said...

Missed you at the picnic!

And I know you've written about this, but you don't have to post only on Fridays and posts don't have to be creative... but you're "regular" posts are probably on Facebook... someday I might actually join.

Have a great week, Sandy!

Grain, pain, and smiling in the rain said...

Ummm, I don't have regular posts. Five minute friday (forces) by my own commitment to write something. Hopefully, that will push me to do more..