So what you think? Meet Cool and I down in Lexington VA last summer. We were looking pretty fine, uh-huh! The picture is a little blurry; and it didn't used to be one I liked much. But, after looking at it today I decided we did not look so bad after all. She always looks good, but the costume I am wearing was a bit uncomfortable and I felt like a geek. Geek or not you can see the love in my eyes, hers too if you look close enough. Believe it or not she was considered to be overweight at this show. We won't discuss what I was considered, which might be why the get up was not so comfortable. I remember thinking then she was a bit chubby, but the picture sure doesn't show it. I must have it bad 'cause when I look at pictures like this I get all emotional, as if Cool was my kid or something. Weird huh?
We made it to church in time for almost half of worship. I was so jazzed. It was so good to be in corporate worship. The power of God invades and captures. My spirit was lifted and revived. I will miss my church when I am in Florida, which by the way we leave for in only five days. Whoopee! I am excited, but I miss my home, Ned, my horses. Like I said, my church.
My dear friend Cynthia became a grandmother on Friday past. It's almost like I became one too. Ali has been my almost daughter for over fifteen years. I am so very proud of that young woman. God has given her a beautiful baby, but Ali is a great momma. She handled little Isabella like a pro, gentle but confident. Her sweet care was a joy to watch.
The night is again blustery to say the least. The crisp clarity of the last few eves is gone, the swirling winds are stirring up fallen snow. Blowing white coupled with overcast skies have created a heavy misty blanket of cold. Tonight my equine friends seemed a little more content to be inside. I hope to open their doors for a few hours tomorrow. Even though they were not kicking the doors down to get out, I know they must be getting cabin fever.
OK the dog needs to go out and I need to stretch my legs. I just had a funny thought though, I can post photos of us sitting around the pool enjoying the warm sunshine while I am in Florida. The pool is located right out the back door in a screened in lanai. I hope that won't cause anyone any problems....
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