Monday, February 25, 2008

Is it any wonder

In case anyone is wondering...we did make it home safely. I am truly happy to be home, cold weather and all. I missed my horses and I did miss my other kids, and my friends. You know me, I could not stand the fact that I was enjoying all that sunshine and warm weather when my dear ones were freezing their way through icy dark days. Took some of the fun out of it all.

Seems like we are to get another blast of winter weather. Drew says big storm tonight. He is snoring right now which is kind of funny since he was sure he was not going to be able to fall asleep so early.

I am beginning to feel a bit better. I know God is the same today, and yesterday, and will be the same tomorrow, but still I waver, wondering if all will be well. From my perspective some days just do not seem like hope abounds. But it does. Not because I believe it does but because He says it does. My believing has not one thing to do with it. My believing only changes me. When I choose to believe, I choose faith, and faith builds hope. All empowered by the Holy Spirit yes, but it is our/my opening my hand and heart to receive that allows God to do the work He chooses to do. It's like Dorothy, there's no place like home, and what we are searching for is usually in our own back yard. Heh?

And Vic, what happened today?


Roberto said...

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

My second night in Chambersburg. At a Sleep Inn & Suites. I remembered by suit, this time, and have made use of the jacuzzi and pool.

There's a Waffle House a few miles away (I'm learning where those, and Sheetz, are when I travel!), so I'm fine.

The large closet has a huge swinging door that's also a mirror. It open, partially, in the night, and I seriously freaked myself out in the night (there's someone in my room!).

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The next two days I'm in Harrisburg. Then back for Friday classes, TRANSFORM meeting on Saturday, and a Youth Camp meeting on Sunday. Hmmm... I should make an agenda for those...

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The Videogameoramapaloozafestorama was a HUGE success! Jay Herman and his brother were there, as was Bryan WIlkins... the Wii was a huge hit, as were the PlayStation 2's loaded with Guitar Hero. Four X-Box 360's networked and playing Halo 3, three "regular" X-Boxes networked and playing Halo 2. A variety of other systems. The McCracken boys were there... they're allowed 30 minutes per day --- if they earn it --- on their PlayStation 1, which is, like, made of wood or something, it's so old --- and really aren't allowed junk food. Imagine how they dealt with unlimited video games, tons of candy, Mountain Dew, and 25 pizzas.

Alex Botsford was also thrilled to be part of the "boys club."

Anyway, by 6:30, Judah McCracken was practically vibrating, he was so jazzed and loaded with sugar and caffeine. Yeah, it went well.

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Glad your back, Sandy, and, really, the weather isn't so bad. It's still been a relatively mild winter, don't you think?

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Peace out, and keep writing!

Sandy kimmel said...

We did not get to a Waffle House in FL this year. I was dissapointed.
I remember years ago, many years; I looked out our front door window one night and saw my own reflection. I thought I saw my dad standing out there staring in. Creeped my out for several reasons. 1 what the heck was my dad doing just staring in at me in the middle of the night. 2 Yikes...I look just like my dad. What 30 something young woman wants to look like there dad.

fry family said...

Hi Sandy:

I know what you mean by some days it just feels so hard to believe. Our health, our joy, which is not ours anyway tend to rule my day. I have to make choices. I have to choose to make life miserable for my husband and son, or I can choose to give it all to the Lord and be joyful.

I have to tell myself many, many, many times that it is not how I feel, but what the word says on how God perceives me.

I tend to be like Dori for "Finding Nemo" JUST KEEP PRAYING, JUST KEEP PRAYING

Sandy kimmel said...

Thanks for your thoughts. I have a horse named Dory, for the wide-eyed look of wonder she presents.(she really has huge eyes) If we could keep that amazment at the grace of God how much simpler our lives would be...

Anonymous said...

Well Rob- you missed a great Bassler Care Group reunion. I laughed so hard I was starting to lose my voice. Food was great of course... we are going to have another reunion this summer at Carolyn's.

I have had a great few days... why didn't I get myself fired ages ago? I am going to a job fair on Friday and then will be back in time for the Willis concert.

Still trying to figure out what I am going to be when I grow-up... uhh, guess I already grew up and am just having a mid-life crisis - need to change careers.

I am learning never to say never... I am considering taking the civil service test although I hate tests... (primarily because I do so poorly on tests and would get sick to my stomach in college.) Maybe I have outgrown my test anxiety...

Anyway, I can't wait to see what the Lord will do. If anyone has a prophetic word... now would be a good time...

Trusting in His goodness and unending faithfulness…