Sunday, February 03, 2008

HIt 'n Miss

Hi ya...sometimes I got it and sometimes I do not. Thanks Rob for posting my note. I am in bed and should be sleeping but I thought I would try and check my mail and since it worked thought I better check in real quick. I guess the "splitters" have to do something with my line from somewhere, or maybe there is a splitter in the line that needs repaired by someone more techie than my telephone man. Now I do not remember. Either way he, the telephone man, said it would be early this week. I am so glad you all carried on without me. Nothing like a comfy viritual living room to snuggle up in and relax with friends. Got to get some sleep since it is WAY past my bedtime. Got stuck watching House after the game and well here I am.
I am praying about dramatically changing my diet. Yuck. But, I am at the point where I would do almost anything to feel better.
And Rob, I used my Google spell check, there it is big as life. Thanks for the tip. Any thoughts on why I cannot send outgoing mail from Outlook?

I need my Savior, I need change. Thank you Lord in advance for the work you are about to do.


Anonymous said...

I love how you say you "got stuck watching House" after the game. I also "got stuck" or more acurately, made everyone else get stuck. I was at the Walls' house and we watched the game. Erich was going to change the channel and I jokingly told him that I stuck it out through the whole game, he could stick it out through one show. There is only one more episode(Tuesday) and then that is it for House due to the writer's strike. All the good shows are pretty much done now. CSI, Bones, etc... We all watched House - and then I just got home. Glad you're back Sandy.


Sandy kimmel said...

Vic, don't you just love him. Seriously, Rob has nothing to worry about in the sacasm department compared to House. How did Eric handle the drinking the pee? Ha Ha. That comment should get Rob's attention and it wasn't even about a horse...

Anonymous said...

Well Erich just gave me a really weird look when they had the whole drinking the pee thing. He wasn't really paying attention as they had company leaving around then, and he had just sat down and then heard that and looked at me like, "What in the world are you watching?!" He changed the channel a couple of times due to her showing a little too much skin. I just love House though. He is so politically incorrect. My field can tend to go overboard in being PC, so to watch a show that totally says everything you really shouldn't is fun and a good laugh.

How ya feeling?

Roberto said...

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Another now-common thing Rob's thankful for:

* Silicone spatulas, that let you scrap every atom of peanut butter from the jar, or to be used in any manner of crazy cooking-related ways, given it's five billion degree heat tolerance. Mine's a Kitchen Aid, navy blue. My silicone baking liner is the bomb, too!

- - -

So busy, so overwhelmed, so happy I'm no longer dealing directly with the insane kid situations. Just dealing with insane adults.

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I've got about five pages left of the book, Vic, so expect it this Sunday!

Anonymous said...

So glad you wrote Rob. - I was starting to have withdrawl from this blog. Sandy - will you still post on vacation?

I am on a friut binge lately. I am eating several oranges, apples and banana's lately. My face will probably start to break out from all the oranges, but they are so good.

Have a great trip Sandy - send pictures.

Take care all...

BTW - how is John doing?

Roberto said...

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Add to the list, please:

Thomas' Raisin Cinnamon-Swirl bagels, toasted, loaded with whipped cream cheese and sprinkled (heavily) with cinnamon sugar. Served with ice-cold milk.

- - -

Three or four really kick... butt... songs on iTunes in a row! A couple of things on my seemingly never-ending list crossed off! A Doctor Who, season three DVD from Netflix! An X-Files, season two DVD, also from Netflix!

God's good to me in so many large ways, but it seems easier for me to appreciate all the many, many little ways!