Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cow Kicked

Got me first kick from a cow today. I have been kicked at, even bunted over by an angry mama, but never kicked at and hit like I was today. We have this ailing calf and his mother is very hesitant to let us near him. More than hesitant down right resistant. Impossible to intimidate she stands her ground with fierce determination. Most cows can be herded into the head gate or across the pasture, generally in the direction you want them to go. This girl here does not move, or if she does, she turns stars you down, and with great hostility lumbers away from my big mouth and waving arms. She will charge, fully appreciating her huge size advantage. Knowing this I have always proceeded with caution when trying to convince her that my way was the right way. Ha...Today heading slowing in the direction I was hoping for she unleashed a rear leg with power and intent to maim. Fortunately for me her strike though painful enough to bring a tear or two did no real damage. A small round purple blotch decorates the fattiest chunk of my upper left thigh. A skinny girl would have suffered real damage. For once I was glad to be chubby. A kick forceful enough to have snapped an unprotected bone landed squarely across both my flabby thighs. God sometimes protects us from our foolishness with our liabilities. Who would ever think fat legs would be a blessing. His mysterious ways.


Roberto said...

Wow, glad to hear that you're okay, Sandy, and that you're walking your talk, praise-wise.

And you've confirmed what I've always known: I'm "chubby" in case I ever have to deal with an angry cow. I've been prepared nearly all of my life just in case!

Seriously, it's so encouraging to read your blog (especially with the recent decrease in posts that involve bodily fluids), and it's a bright spot in my day!

Vicki said...

You guys are cracking me up!

Glad you are okay Sandy. You will probably hurt more as the day goes on.

I have never been kicked by any farm animals. Although I was feeding a horse once and another horse got jealous and came over and bit my leg. He had my entire calf in his mouth. Still not as painful as getting kicked though...

take some drugs...