Sunday, October 12, 2008


Roberto said...

MAN, Sandy, you just ramble on and on in this post! Get it together!

Heh heh.

I'm off for most of the week... four days and three different hotels! Whoo! I'm back Friday and then gone all day Saturday.

But I'm sure I'll find time to jump in, and share my witty observations with y'all. Have a great week... enjoy the sun and warmer temperatures, because it looks like they're rapidly going downhill after Wednesday or so...

Vicki said...

How's the house coming? Do you have a move-in date yet? I won’t ask for pics although I would love to see some, because I know you have your hands pretty full right now…

If you are serious about watching the kids when you are in Florida I would be willing to work that out with Bev. Will you have internet reception? I could just stay at your house and maybe have my mom come help me with all the kiddies... I guess we have some time given that it is 4 months away...

I got my usual breakfast ready this morning... (Kashi Cinnamon Harvest with skim milk and a sliced banana on top.) Took one bite and just wasn't into eating it. I eat either Cinnamon Harvest or Strawberry Frosted Mini-Wheat’s for breakfast every single morning. I did have oatmeal with some craisins and raisins in it a few days last week when I ran out of milk...

So the cereal was not appealing to me at all for some reason this morning... so I pitched it... Decided on fresh strawberries and red grapes instead... much better. Also, I went to the store yesterday and loaded up on some diet green tea. I bought two different brands to compare.

I made two yummy soups yesterday too. Homemade Chicken Noodle and Corn Chowder (I tried duplicating a Panera Bread soup and I like mine more... theirs is really spicy.) So I will be as snug as a bug in a rug having soup for a while. I love having soup for lunch and when you work at home, that is really convenient.

I also like to make homemade Potato-Chicken soup and tortellini soup... mmm, both are yummy... I have made homemade cream of broccoli too... I could live on soup alone...

Well, better get back to work. Have a good day...

Is Kaleb feeling any better?

Roberto said...

Third day out, third hotel room. What a servant I am.

I was in Lebanon, this morning... beautiful, driving through farm country in the fall.

How IS everyone?

Vicki said...

tired... so very tired. going to bed. when i get to class i am tired before it even starts. fighting all day long with plumbers, utility companies, townships, various venders... Steve told me i was a little tough tonight on ebags. they sent me three laptop bags when i ordered two. i told them i would be happy to return it to them but they would have to come pick it up, i wasn't taking it to UPS. i also didn't have any packaging tape, so they were going to have to take it the way it was. i told them it wasn't my error and i wasn't taking time out of my day to fix this problem.

by the time i would have bought some tape, driven to UPS, wasted two gallons of gas i would have at least spent an hour returning it.

i felt like i had to draw a line. i have wasted so much time lately dealing with computers, phones, accessories etc, that don't work, need returned, updated, fixed, repaired, etc...

not sure where this story was going... too tired to think anymore. hopefully the insomnia is going away. i have been getting between 1-5 hours of sleep lately... must rest

will write tomorrow more...

Vicki said...

I think I am going to the Christian film festival next weekend. I want to see the movie Billy (about a young Billy Graham) and I also want to see Fireproof... both look good.

I am still really tired. the effects of a med I just went off is still lingering...

I feel like I am a car running on empty and at about 3 pm I just run out of gas... I crash and rest on the couch temporarily refueling... I wake around dinner time and do some more work, eat some soup (homemade of course) and then stay up late, get up early, do it all over again... I can't wait until this crazy sleep phase passes.

I didn't bite anyone's head off today. that was nice. made some homemade apple crisp... mmmm I can smell it baking right now.

I am so very grateful for my job... just when I think I can't be anymore grateful or like it anymore, I feel a wave of blessings hitting me all over again...

I really like my new computer. It's an hp... Windows XP. works great. got a new phone too... I think it might even work as well...

I have grown a lot in my computer knowledge in the short time I have been at this job. I enjoy that I am doing something different every day.

I can't believe just a few months ago I was in a job that was so overwhelming I just didn't know how I would go on. The only thing that kept me going was that I knew the Lord would provide a different job for me, that the trial was temporary and that while I was in the trial He would give me the strength to endure... I never imagined though that He would bless me to this degree and give me a job I enjoy so much.

I am humbled by this blessing.

I am excited for when the girls come... I am going to cut my hours down to the bare minimum (40 hours) so I can be with them as much as possible.

The leaves have been so beautiful lately. Just driving to the mall is a beautiful trip.

Mmmm, apple crisp is yummy. I love fall.

Still drinking a lot of green tea. Just love, love, love it.

How ya doing Rob? I hope you are getting some rest so you don't get sick... I got a flu shot the other day... you all get your flu shot?

Sandy, how are the babies? Are you hanging in there ok? Getting any rest?

Take care all... seems like we are all busy, tired and being stretched a little... but the Lord will give us rest. Looking forward to seeing you all soon...