Monday, August 11, 2008

Too Late Baby Now

I had so much to share this evening. I had quite the day. But I am much too tired to spew it all out now. Not to be gross, but I don't think I ever even brushed my teeth today. I have been on the go since 7:30, yes I did have a nap; on the couch with my boots on. Passed out, slept, got up, back to the barn.
I was chewed out by a lady from the Indiana County Humane Society. Long, very long, story. I did not harm any animals, but took one in from someone who had adopted from there only to have the silly cat run off from my farm, get herself injured and taken back to the kitty Gestapo. My mistake, going to pick up the injured cat and take her to my vet to have her leg sewed back on. See what I mean, that is not near enough details to give you a clear picture, but it is as far as I can go at the moment.
But God's Mercy reigns. Now I am in my bed and going to close my eyes and sleep. Scarlett O'Hara did not have everything all wrong. Tomorrow will be another day. God's Mercy is new every morning. Hallelujah!

1 comment:

Roberto said...

It's become frightening, to me, how animal rights have surpassed human rights. There are many, many people writing about this... how, because they're "innocent" and defenseless, animals have been given more rights and privileges than abused children, say.

I think this is, in part, due to people, single or married, who aren't having children but instead are lavishing all of their love and attention and resources on their pets, which have become surrogate children.


Okay. Time to face the day. Have a good one, everybody.