Sunday, March 18, 2007


White bright sunshine reflects brittle cold and my boots crunch into frozen snow; slow going over to the horse barn this morning. The blue of the sky shimmers gloriously floating wispy cotton tufts. How could anyone stay angry. Breathing in the cold air fills the lungs and energizes the brain. Lofty thoughts of the Most High God lift my spirit high above any trouble in my land.
I love the early hours barn work. Sonny nickers an impatient "Hello, where's my breakfast?" Eager snorting begs for morning hay and grain, anxious to munch down breakfast and head out to romp and roll. Nothing much funnier than a short stubby brown pony rolling in the snow, feet up in the air, sitting up like a puppy. Ha...nothing funnier.
Anyway, after a morning like that how can anyone stay angry. Seems like proof that God lives and cares for His own. He sends us smiles when we need the the most. Shows us how to find the gold underneath the muddy waters and the silver in the darkest cloud. Life is not about just making it through the trials but seeing past the darkness to the glorious light of the Son.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I love the last sentence of your post. I come away so encouraged and refreshed from your posts. Keep writing...