Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Twist'n the Night Away

Interesting is a good word to describe my life. Never boring. Not for as long as I can remember anyway. My battery is going to run out and I am too lazy to go and hunt a cord (nap time). Just had to respond to Roberto's comment. Heh, heh...shipped, cooled, horse semen, nothing like the stuff. We really are in a brave new world, do you think? Sometimes I sit and just wonder about all the stuff we have access to in our lives. I never had a TV until I was almost in elementary school, then it was a green and beige 12 or 13 inch black and white that my dad could fix by taking the tubes out of the back and going the drug store. At the drug store and some hardware stores there was a machine where you could test your TV tubes to determine which ones needed replacing. Usually the store had the new ones on hand. Dad would head home and replace bad with the good and whaula...back to the Mighty Mouse. The only plasma involved was any you might need if you cut yourself on a broken tube. More on this thought after my nap...

1 comment:

Roberto said...

I just found this link and am eagerly awaiting the following part(s)... here's a quote:

How many of my good friends are doing what they intended to do when they started college? Are the ideas of “preparation” and “career” starting to have entirely different meanings than in the past? I’m beginning to wonder if factors like technology, mobility, awareness of changing culture, even, strange as it may sound, certain aspects of generational immaturity and postmodern culture are combining into a whole new version of “career” path, and undermining education as we know it.

Good stuff! (this is back to my musings, the other day, about how quickly the world is changing and whether we're really preparing kids for it)
