Monday, March 19, 2007


Drove to the city this morning. Sounds like something from a TV show, like we live not in THE City. Of course I don't, live in THE city or any city for that matter; not even a town either, just a town-ship. Sort of a sprawled out collection of folks who don't really live next to anyone else. I do have neighbors I can see, and probably could holler at if the emergency was grave enough or the miracle that incredible. Most likely I would pick up the phone or send a kid to pass a message, ie. a loose dog, or stray cat, or maybe an invite to an impromptu BBQ. In reverse, my received message might be my horse had stomped their rhubarb, or was last seen loping over the crest of the gravel road towards some illicit adventure. Hah! So goes life in the town-ship.

But anyways, I drove to the City this morning to see my neurologist. I like him a lot. He is like visiting a friend or old acquaintance. Friendly, interested in how I feel, even all the little stuff, achy shoulder, gimpy toe, 'cause those neurologists see everything as potentially connected to your neuro stuff. Oops, I have not even gotten to the point of this post and I have to run and get Jer at the bus. Rain is falling steady and cold. I am going to post and finish later....cliffhanger.

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