Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Oh yea, my shoulder is doing OK. I am not doing much, a few chores in the am, a few phone calls and other personal business, a big nap, then supper time. I was outside a good bit this evening simply because it was so nice. I rode with Drew up to the new farm and watched him water the cows. I sat in the car with a pillow under my arm. I am being served by incredible friends. My laundry is caught up, dinner has been wonderful; even my kitchen floor has been scrubbed. Luke and Katie have been helping with the horses and barn work. So...I am doing OK. I am praying for a miracle healing, or at least the patience to wait out a traditional recovery, six to eight weeks. I know I am not out of God's gentle care. I am grateful for His protection at the time of the fall and the kind Dr. at the hospital. He is so Good.
Now, I am going to sleep.

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