Rebreed Tomorrow
New semen coming in the morning. Yippee! Erin, the vet, was here today; after examination and a conversation with the stallion owner, it seemed like the re breed was eminent. A few hitches on the west coast side were ironed out, the semen was collected, and off to FedEx the syringes were on their way east. Hopefully there will be no inclement weather in our way. The magic package should be here by 10 A. M. Erin left a small syringe of ovulation booster to be given if the collection was successful; it was, Katie administered the injection with a little help from our Luke, and the deed was done. I believe we have done all we can do to give Zulu the best chance to conceive. I can just pray that it takes, so that in eleven months and eleven days from tomorrow we should have a sweet black and white baby horse.
Next Wednesday the 30th Allen and Stacey should have their new son, and Bev and I will have our new grandson. That is exciting. The induction is scheduled to begin at 6:30 or so. I imagine the baby should be here by noon. I am hoping to try and get down to Pittsburgh before then. Bev is taking them down the night before so they do not have to leave so early, like in the middle of the night to get there. Of course I have an appointment in Kittanning with the orthopedic surgeon about my collar bone at 8:15, so being in the city by noon should not be a problem, if I can go straight from the Dr's. OK, think I am rambling. Fatigue, medication, and an achy shoulder are urging me to dreamland.
Our God is an Awesome God. He is the author and originator of all life, human and equine. I am excited and energised praising Him for little Kaleb Kimmel. Thank you Jesus for making me a grandma.
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