Sorry it took me so long to return to the keyboard. As I see while I was gone there was no lack of exciting, stimulating dialogue. Glad to see that. I like the idea of a topic. That could get really, oops, could get exciting.
I wish I could blog from my phone, then I could at least interject a comment or something. When I get busy or tired, I check in from the phone but do not always get to my computer. I pretty much slept all day Saturday, except for waking up to take more ibuprofen. Don't lecture Vic. I needed it. Handfuls of it.
The trip to Exton proved relaxing albeit tiring from all the driving in such a short time. But my brother and his family are well. The girls are growing up so fast. I got to see Emily run in a 5K race; she did very well. Ellie is like a little blond, fair skinned Jeremiah. Full of conversation and confidence. They played for hours doing nothing. Talking probably. Ha Ha.
I did bring home a sink. A large very, VERY, heavy sink. Looks much like the one in my kitchen now. I hope it works out.
ALERT: My horse Dory did not get impregnated by any of the (semen) from the horse in California. Nada, zip, no bambino! She is now bunking in out in Cherry Tree PA visiting a handsome Stallion named...Rocky. Yes, Rocky, certainly sounds like a stud, huh? After sharing a barn with him for two weeks, they had their first encounter this morning, and all seemed to go very well. He was a gentleman and she was a lady. They will hook up again on Wednesday and Friday. And, then we wait, wait, wait for two long weeks. Live cover is the official name for horse to horse insemination. So no more talk of semen or other personal body fluids. That should make some of you more comfortable. Live cover seems fairly innocuous.
Canada is only a few weeks away. I want to try and start to at least think about packing and preparing to be gone so it does not sneak up on me. Funny, the first year we went I wanted to go back a stay for a month. Now, I can almost hardly stand to be gone for a week. I think if more of my own kids were going to be there, and I did not have such a barn full of critters I would be more content and relaxed. Hannah, Ned's girlfriend is coming this year, so that should be a fun change. But Drew's aunt and uncle, our past travel companions will be in Europe, yes Europe, now doesn't that just sound pretentious. Anyway they are going and we are not. But we will miss them. They go to Florida with us too.
OK, off to sleep for me. I am going to start to shoot for 10 to 10:30 for a while and see if I feel better, or can at least get out of bed without an act of Congress.
God's grace abounds, my family is entering a season of growth. And...I am loving it. Grandbabies, Serious girlfriends, maybe more around the corner...God is so very good and I am so very proud of my grownup blessings from Heaven.
PS I am having a heck of a time with paragraph spacing, so please excuse the huge run on paragraph towards the end of this evening's post...
Sandy, when have I ever lectured you about sleeping? If anything I lecture you to get MORE sleep. A day in bad sleeping - that sounds like a great day to me.
I am staying at the Wall's this week and am getting to hang out with Cotton (their massive Old English Sheepdog.) She is so soft and cuddly. We played tag in the kitchen earlier and ring around the kitchen island. Then I sang to her some (she didn't know quite what to think of that.) and then we cuddled on the couch. She thinks she is a lap dog and... well... she's not.
Then we shared a banana. A bug got in the house earlier and I tried to get her to eat it, but she wouldn't, she only played with it.
Well, I know you are really jealous of the exciting night I had. Tomorrow, I get to do it all over again.
Have a great night. Welcome back Sandy. Let us know what our assigned topic is while you are in Canada.
I meant to say - A day in bed sleeping - that sounds like a great day to me.
nighty night
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Glad everyone is back and posting and sleeping and self-medicating with ibuprofen. I have a huge bottle of Aleve, and taking two of those and sleeping for several hours has become an amazing way of refreshing myself.
I'm in Chambersburg, now, and headed to Harrisburg, then Greensburg today. Huntingdon, and then back to Chambersburg tomorrow.
Vicki: the company car is in Penn Hills, and popular... my trips tend to be multi-day, and stop/start early or late, so it's not as easy to get it as I'd like, however in many cases, I just need to plan a bit in advance. Free car, free gas card... can't beat that!
Can't believe how big your nieces are!
Congratulations on your huge, heavy sink!
Good grief, all that horse section needs is a boom-chicka-wow-wow soft porn soundtrack! STOP IT! STOP IT! Every time I drive past a horse or a FedEx truck, I get queasy, now.
*Ya'll are soooo funny!
*The kids are adorable.
*Anti-inflammatories, can't live with em, can't live without em. Unfortunately, I live with them much more than without.
*So happy Dorey finally got down to business, 'bout time. I'm going out in a bit to have a sweaty horse ride. Look forward to visiting tomorrow. :)
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