Saturday, November 03, 2007

Grandma X2

Yep, Allen is going to be a daddy again. They are ecstatic. Yippee! Several weeks ago, the day I picked them up to go up to visit my dad in fact, the proud mama spewed her breakfast all over the parking lot, at Joe's.
Clue number one..."Yea, she's been throwing up for the last couple of days. Must have a bug or something"
So goes the conversation as we order lunch; lunch that gets wolfed down by everyone at the table, even the puker. How many people do you know who can lose their breakfast and eat huge lunch of greasy, cheesy pasta all in the same hour? Huh? Some of us, me, got a wee bit suspicious of the puking, the eating, and the of the slightly protruding belly that got a whole lot of massaging throughout the rest of the day.

Turns out suspicions were confirmed a few days ago, Monday past to be exact.


Roberto said...

TWO posts in one day! Keep it up, Sandy!

And congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Wow! My cousin had three kids all back to back and then his wife had her tubes tied(afraid they would just keep going I guess). Anyway, it is fun because at family functions we are all running around chasing kids and they are cute as can be. Keeps us young. My cousin said that since I didn't have any kids and my brother hasn't had any, he had one for each of us. Ha! Enjoy being grandma... Congrats!
